Chapter 15

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After hearing their story and then watching the video of Cavidan and Cemre, Kemal is speechless. Cavidan and her antics don't surprise him. He's known Cavidan for a long time and has never trusted her. He's always known she's been capable of such treachery.

But Cemre is surprising. Cemre and Emir have grown up together. How could everyone have missed the signs that she's so disturbed? And clearly obsessed with Emir. But the most shocking of all is Yonca. She's been an excellent worker for the holding for so many years. He can't believe she'd betray them like this.

"We have to be smart about this," Kemal says, as he stands at the head of his dining room table looking around at all the occupants.

After Reyhan was released from the hospital with doctor's orders to get plenty of rest and avoid stress, they all thought it best she didn't return to the mansion. Narin and Kemal insisted Emir bring Reyhan to stay with them. Zeynep was already there, Emir already making arrangements to have the girl taken there after school the previous day when he realized how much of a danger his mother was. Narin was more than happy to watch the girl. Masal was more than happy for someone closer to her age to play with. And Seriye was more than happy for another mouth to feed. It was a relief to Emir and Reyhan to have a safe place for the girl while Reyhan was in the hospital.

But that was then. This is now. And now, they need to stop the evil snakes that have unknowingly been in their midst. With Hikmet being out of commission, it's Kemal's responsibility to take care of his nephew and everyone else. He's now head of this family. All of these people need him.

"We need a plan," Kemal continues.

"Now that I've gotten Reyhan and Zeynep out of the mansion and away from my mother, we need to focus on my father," Emir says. "He can't stay in that house either."

Kemal turns to his wife and gives her the floor. He still isn't sure why, but this seems to be her area of expertise.

"I've been doing some research and I found a couple of facilities you might consider to send your father for treatment," Narin starts, pulling up some information on the tablet she's holding. "All of these places offer promising results for an injury of his nature."

"Emir, I know you wanted to keep your father close and at home. We all did. But ..."

"No, Amca. I understand. And you're right. It'll be safer for him to be as far away from my mother as possible," Emir agrees.

"I'll be with him," Oya chimes in. "And Melike. We'll make sure he's fine."

"Are you sure all of this is necessary?" Reyhan asks, chewing nervously on her lip. "I don't want my uncle to be so far away."

She lets out a discrete yawn and Emir puts an arm around her. Kemal can see that the girl is tired and worried. She just got out of the hospital. She doesn't need this.

"Why don't we table this for now," Kemal suggests. "We can all get some rest and think on it."

Kemal can tell that Reyhan wants to protest. But Emir drops his head to rest on her forehead and gives her a quiet "lütfen" and she eventually agrees. It amazes Kemal daily to see the husband, and soon to be father, his nephew has become. Kemal can see that Emir loves Reyhan far more than he ever thought he could. The right woman can really do that for you.

Kemal sneaks a glance at his own wife. She's an enigma. But every day he's also realizing that maybe she could be the right woman for him as well.

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"I know you're just humoring me," Reyhan says when Emir slides into the bed next to her. "I know you and your uncle have so much more to talk about. Just stay with me until I fall asleep?"

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