Chapter 16

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Once morning comes, things start to move quickly.

First on the agenda is Hikmet. They spend the morning researching the clinics Narin suggested and all agreed on the one in Greece. Emir makes an appointment for later in the week for him and Reyhan to visit and get an in person look at the place. The short flying time between Istanbul and the clinic will make it easier for Reyhan to visit Hikmet as her pregnancy progresses.

While Emir speaks with the clinic, Kemal is getting in touch with a police detective he's worked with before regarding Talaz. Now that the infamous gangster in involved, they all thought it would be best to bring the police into the matter. Too many lives are at stake to try to face the dangerous man on their own. Also, since Cavidan's newest plot revolves around trying to get Reyhan arrested, bringing in the police now will avoid any chance of that happening.

After the phone call with the clinic, Emir takes Reyhan home to visit with Hikmet. They're both relieved to see that Cavidan isn't at home. Until they figure out how to deal with her, it's best to avoid her as much as possible.

"You go ahead in to see my dad," Emir tells Reyhan once they reach the room. "It's been awhile since you've eaten. I'm going to go tell Nigar to bring you a tray."

"I'm fine, Emir," she assures him. "I'm not that hungry."

"Yes, but my babies are," he smiles, patting her belly lightly. He looks to his dad and winks. "You hear that Baba? You're going to be a grandpa."

"Emir! I was going to tell him." She puts on a little pout, but she's not really upset. With so much going on, it's good to have something to be happy about. But she forgets to even pretend to be mad when he drops a quick kiss on her lip before quickly running out of the room.

"If these two are anything at all like their father, I'm going to have my hands full," Reyhan smiles, taking her uncle's hand in her own. She places it on her stomach, much like Emir did earlier. "You'll have to give me tips on how to handle them."

Reyhan fusses a bit with Hikmet's pillows and bedding and makes sure he's comfortable. She sees that Melike has already given him his medicine, so there's nothing else he needs. So she just spends some time talking to him. But she can't keep the topic away from the babies.

"You should have seen Emir when the doctor said we were having twins," Reyhan laughs. "He very nearly passed out."

"You ... you ... you're pregnant?" A surprised gasp from the doorway has Reyhan turning towards it.

Nigar stands there with a horrified look on her face.

"Nigar? Are you okay?" Reyhan asks, seeing the woman visibly shaken. She looks as if she's about to drop the tray of food she's bringing in. Fortunately Emir is right behind her and manages to grab the tray before the food goes everywhere.

"I didn't know. I swear I didn't know!"

"Calm down, Nigar. What's going on?" Emir sets the tray down and then grabs the woman by the arms, turning her to look straight into his eyes. "Why are you panicking?"

"I swear I didn't know, Reyhan hanim. I would never do something like that to a baby."

Nigar subconsciously rubs her stomach and they all remember how the woman's own pregnancy unfortunately ended early.

"Let's take this somewhere else," Reyhan suggests, nodding her head in Hikmet's direction. She doesn't want to further upset him.

They all go out to the veranda to get some fresh air. Nigar is looking more and more pale and the cool air should do her some good.

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