Chapter 24

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"Reyhan," a voice calls to her. When she doesn't answer, she feels a tap on her arm to get her attention. "Reyhan. Sweetheart, it's been about 3 hours. You need to eat something."

She turns to stare unblinking at Kemal. He's holding out a sandwich and she can't for the life of her figure out what he wants her to do with it.

"Eat. Please. For the babies."

She continues to stare at him, at the sandwich. But she eventually just turns her gaze back to the doors leading to the surgery where Emir is right now. She finally blinks when tears fill her eyes at the thought of her husband.

"Emir," she tearfully says in a raspy voice that's been long cried away. She didn't think she had any more tears left, but apparently she was wrong.

Kemal puts an arm around her and tries to comfort her. But there's too much fear and worry for her to be truly comforted. She won't feel better until she can see Emir with her own eyes.

"The surgeons are working hard to save him," Kemal reminds her. "And don't forget. Narin is in there too. She's not going to let you down."

Reyhan has to admit that was a surprise. Narin. A doctor. A surgeon no less. Reyhan has so many questions, but they can wait. Thanks to her friend, Emir is alive. The doctors say that her quick and immediate action as soon as he was shot saved his life. The EMTs that transported Emir praised Narin's skills so much that the surgeon gladly allowed her into the operating room. And Kemal is right. Having her in there with Emir is a comfort. She just has to trust her best friend.

"Okay," she nods, letting out a deep breath. "You're right. Narin is in there. Narin won't let anything happen to him."

There's nothing any of them can do now except wait on the doctors to finish their work. And pray.

"Did you know?" she asks Kemal, trying to keep her mind off of her worry.

"About her being a doctor? I had no idea," he laughs. "I mean, I knew she had secrets and I was starting to get kind of suspicious about what those secrets were. I didn't know,  but thinking back, it somehow doesn't surprise me. It kind of makes sense."

"It does, doesn't it?" Reyhan smiles. "I knew our Narin was an amazing person. So yeah, this does actually make sense. It's such a miracle how God puts the right people in our lives at the right time. I don't know what I'd do right now without her."

"She is amazing," he agrees, a slight blush coming to his cheeks.

Reyhan can't help but smile at him. Such a quiet, stoic man. But she can see how Narin has touched his heart. It makes her happy that her friend has the possibility of the same kind of happiness as she's found with Emir.

She's still smiling and absentmindedly rubbing her belly when her mood is suddenly ruined by the arrival of the last person she wants to see right now.

"How dare you sit here laughing after nearly getting my son killed," Cavidan screeches. She stops in front of Reyhan's chair and grabs her hair, trying to yank her from her seat.

"Cavidan, enough!" Kemal barks, getting in between Cavidan and Reyhan and pushing the older woman away. "What are you doing here anyway? I thought they had admitted you for observation."

Cavidan had been knocked unconscious when Emir pushed her out of the line of fire. She had been taken to the hospital in a second ambulance. A few other people from the gala had also sustained minor injuries from the panic that ensued after the shooting started.

"Once she woke up and realized Emir was shot and in surgery, she insisted on coming up here," Suna explains. "How is Emir doing? Any change from the last update?"

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