53 ~ memories

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*sips tea*

so, about 2 years ago, in the 7th grade for me, me and some of my friends stumbled upon this hoe of a bird

that motherfucking bitch of a bird was loud and scared us, well, more my friend, a, while me and h were worried it was hurt

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that motherfucking bitch of a bird was loud and scared us, well, more my friend, a, while me and h were worried it was hurt

no, it wasnt, we got too close to her damn nest and she was like "hell nah"

so we showed the bird to like 2, 3 people, and the campus police, just in case the 8th graders got too rowdy or the 6th graders were too careless

we never got the exact location, so it was a fun guessing game everyday to see if her and her nest was okay

my friend, e, didnt know of their existence and got scared, screamed like a whore and jumped and we were all like "yup, he found it"

then this girl....i forgot her name, but she was a bitch, followed us because of how often we walked around that area

then, one day, we went to go find the bird, but didnt

guess what happened?

that bitch that followed us took the eggs to her 'birdkeeper uncle' to 'take care of' as if the mother bird couldnt do it

2 days later, my ex-best friend, v, comes to me saying that the bitch had given her the eggs of the bird and she didnt know what to do with them

i was m a d

the bitch took the eggs and now they were probably dead from the lack of heat and miscare

and the we couldnt put the eggs back because its been 2 days so the bird mustve thought the eggs were eaten and that the area wasnt safe to nest in

so now the eggs are without a mama and they might be dead, so i told v to get some sort of heating lamp for them just in case and to make a fabric nest then me and h were trying to learn wtf to do as 7th graders

we got loads of places to call and such, and a few offered to take the eggs in, so we accepted and told v to give the eggs to them

guess who came back for the eggs from v

thats right, the bitch

she asked v for the eggs and got upset at all of us for turning the eggs into the proper of authorities

then, heres the kicker

2 months later, at the end of the year, she 'turned' me in for 'stealing tickets' at peter piper, even though it was her and you can see on the footage me telling her to stop, but no, i was 'encouraging it'

i didnt get in trouble, thank goodness, but boy, was she mad

so yeah, moral, dont take a birds eggs, the bird might be getting food and you shouldnt bother fucking nature

im done

thats my 1 am memory from my past

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