35- double tag

22 1 1

First one from ForIAmASinner

First one from ForIAmASinner

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1- panromantic demisexual

2- genderfluid

3- taken

4- making me choose, smh

5- restless heart syndrome or (and dont hate me but) into the unknown panic version

6- alix, areeb

7- i am barely sane enough NOT to be in a mental hospital

Tags for this at the bottom

Tag two from earth-to-alex

Tag two from earth-to-alex

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1- CAL

2- Max 🤮

3- taken

4- max, he wont let me

5- blood

6- mcr return, alex saying yes to me

7- being born

8- ??

9- if you arent my bby, then no

10- alex

Or my bass

11- none

12- my current one

13- max.......

14- my whole body

15- 👀👀 alex👀👀

16- ....guess who, alex

17- playing music

18- idk

19- freakboy

20- most hated; c****

ForIAmASinner (second if you wanna)
Im done

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