52 ~ facts

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founding father facts

thank you everyone_leaves for listening to me at like 1 am


thomas jefferson was "hated" by many people, including;

• alexander hamilton, which he annoyed to the point that they created the 2 party system of government we have today

• martha washington (george washingtons wife), who had outlived 4 of her children and 2 of her husbands, yet has said that the day she met jefferson was the 2nd worst day of her life, after george dying, ofc

• james madison, well, he didnt hate him, was just a bit mad that jefferson took so long in france and not telling him, leaving him to defend the majority of the south himself

the dude had the first presidents wife hate him, damn


aaron burr, the second vice president and the guy who shot alexander hamilton, set himself on fire by shooting a candle rather than being a normal person and getting a match to light it...this happened twice


george washington took both alexander hamilton and thomas jefferson on a fishing trip, and said it was for his health, so rather hamilton and jefferson fighting because they hated each other, they just went along, for washingtons sake




john adams, while sending a report from france, accidentally sent part of his personal diary to congress and rather them doing actual stuff, they spent the meeting mocking him and reading it out loud


thomas jefferson once at a tomato as an apple at a dinner and people started calling the doctors because americans thought tomatoes were poison


marquis de lafayette once met a lady who had his face on a glove and the entire time he was like "wtf"


apparently a girl thought washington was soooooo sexy when he was 17, she stole his clothes when he went swimming and watched him walk around looking for them


at king college, they wouldnt let alexander hamilton go into a course because it was so tough it made one student get sick for months on end

the student was james madison


alexander hamilton wrote on average 50,000 words a DAY


also, his boat caught on fire on his way to america


john laurens hit his head on the ceiling when he was getting out of bed


alexander hamilton was supposed to go on the delaware river thing (the famous painting of george washington) but he wasnt used to winter (he lived in the west indies, i dont blame him) and got sick the night of


either all or most of the founding had some sort of daddy issues


alexander was a ginger, he had bright red hair and people often said his eyes were "violet blue", that color is only available if you have albinism


eacker, the dude who shot alexanders son, philip, was bashed in the press by alexander because he was upset that he killed his son (his son raised his gun, which means he isnt going to shoot, but it was mistaken as him aiming)


washington and lafayette fell asleep under a tree WHILE trash-talking charles lee


washington cussed lee out when he retreated his army


washingtons hair was natural, he only powdered it rather than a wig


george washington had no direct children of his own, all of them being the children of marthas previous marriage or grandchildren and several nieces and nephews


martha washington allegedly adopted a feral cat and named them hamilton, after alexander hamilton, who was george washingtons long time second hand

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