Briefing from Ian

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"Ah, Courtney, you're finally here!" Exclaimed the man sitting behind the desk, "Come on, sit down. We've got lots of exciting things to discuss."

I sat down, across from Ian and he began to explain the projects I was going to be involved in. Between sketches like Every Blank Ever, appearances in Smosh Games videos, and writing scripts of my own, it sounded pretty overwhelming.

"It'll all be perfectly fine. You got this girl!" I thought to myself, taking a few calming breaths.

"Now, I know that must seem like quite a lot of work and you might be feeling a bit stressed, but don't worry. You won't have to do anything today, since you'll basically just be meeting everyone and setting up your workspace." He reassured, easing my worries.

"Cool, should I be prepared for anything going on tomorrow or later this week?" I asked.

The last thing I want is to be unprepared for all the crazy stuff that's gonna happen.

A look of realization crossed his face, before he smiled and said, "Oh, yeah, actually tomorrow the squad is going on a vlog trip to this local fair. It'll have games, rides, shows, and most importantly good food! So I'm assuming you'll want to come along."

"Definitely, I love fairs and this will also be a great way for me to get to know the squad better!" I answered, becoming even more excited, if that was even possible.

"How in the world could this get any better?" I thought.

Ian stood up from behind his desk and walked to the door, beckoning me to follow him.

"How about we introduce you to the rest of the smosh family?" He asked, as I followed him out the door.

"Gosh, I hope they like me." I thought.

{Line Break}

We return to the darkly lit room with the large chair. Once again, the chair spins around to reveal Damien sitting in the chair, petting one of his cats.

"The meeting has gone well, but what will happen when Miss. Courtney Miller meets a certainly special squad member. Will they fall in love or fall apart? Only time will tell..."

Fair Deal? (A Shourtney Fanfic) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن