Chapter Fifty-Four: Ballroom dancing

Start from the beginning

"It's okay, I have no idea what I am doing anyway," Belinda laughed casually.

"Okay so," Harry took a small step forwards and Belinda took one backward. 

"Nice," Belinda commented after noticing the amount of concentration on Harry's face not to do something wrong.

Harry then took a step to the right but this time he accidentally stood on Belinda's foot.

"Ouch!" She exclaimed loudly as they collided.

"I am so sorry!" Harry exclaimed, "Are you okay?" 

 "Yeah I am fine," She said with a small smile.

"Hey guys, why doesn't Belinda go with Blaise and I go with Harry?" Draco suggested as he walked over noticing the commotion.

Belinda nodded and gave Harry a small wave before practically running over to Blaise.

"You okay?" Draco asked Harry as he looked down, face still red.

"Yep," Harry said quietly.

"Okay let's start this again," Draco suggested taking the position, his hand on Harry's shoulder and Harry's on his waist.

Harry then tried again, this time making it three steps before accidentally standing on Draco's foot.

"I am so sorry Dray!" Harry exclaimed worriedly.

"It's okay," Draco said a little strained.

It was at that point that Harry looked up and saw everyone else dancing around the room perfectly fine and suddenly felt even more out of place.

"I um- I've got to go," Harry said rushed before running out of the common room and down a secret passage. Leaving a shocked Draco in his wake.

Once he was sure there was no one following he slumped down against the cold stone wall.

"Hey, you okay?" A voice said from above him.

Harry titled his head slightly to see who it was. 

It was Evan.

"Hey, yeah I'm fine," Harry replied quietly not really wanting to talk about it, after all, it was very embarrassing him.

Evan simply sat next to him and replied, "No your not, what happened?" Evan asked.

Harry looked up at his brother and contemplated telling him or not, he did promise to let him in more, so Harry sighed and said, "I was just in ballroom dancing class and I am absolutely terrible and I can't even do 5 steps right without mucking something up, and I don't want to ruin it for Draco he is ana amazing dancer," 

Evan nodded, "I was the same last week, Gryffindor started to practice earlier because I am sure more of us don't know how to dance compared to Slytherins, but anyway I was horrible and super nervous to muck it up but Mom helped me learn and now I am pretty good, I am sure she'd be happy to help you too, or if you don't want to do that you could ask whoever is teaching Slytherin to help you after" Evan replied happily.

"Yeah but Draco is the one teaching Slytherin," Harry muttered sadly.

"Do you really think that Lilly will help me?" Harry asked in a small voice thinking about the other option.

"Of course! She has been wanting to see you more often," Evan exclaimed.

"Really?" Harry asked surprised.

"Yes! Come on let's go!" Evan exclaimed as he grabbed Harry's hand and ran for his parent's rooms.

Once Evan got to the portrait he yelled the password before flying into the rooms with Harry being dragged behind him.

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