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Continuation of "Ghost"

Namjoon was a fawn stumbling through the woods. His thin legs wobbled like noodles as he tried to stop himself from falling off the edge of the cliff. Hunters were chasing after him—hunters will long guns and an insatiable thirst for blood. Bang! A bullet scraped his hind leg and he fell into the vicious tides. He couldn't breathe. His legs were useless. He was dying. Namjoon woke up.

Is this the afterlife? he thought as he examined his surroundings. White walls, pink curtains, a queen-sized bed layered with a thick mink blanket—everything about this place was so normal and cozy. It contrasted heavily with the dilapidated motel rooms he used to stay in that reeked of cigarettes and mold. For a second, Namjoon thought he had ascended to Heaven, but then he realized how ridiculous the idea sounded. How could he, a criminal stained with sins, possibly go to Heaven?

"Oh, you're awake." A young man with broad shoulders and an unbelievably well-proportioned face approached him. Namjoon had to rub his eyes a few times to confirm that the man in front of him was indeed a human. How could someone look so objectively handsome?

"Wh-who are you?" Namjoon stammered. He feared that such a perfect face could be hiding dangerous intentions and it wasn't as if he could fight considering the state he was in.

The young man suddenly extended his arm. Namjoon panicked as his back bumped into the headboard behind him. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. He was injured, vulnerable, and shaken up. If this man truly had dangerous intentions then there was nothing he could do to save himself. What is he doing? Is he part of a crime syndicate? Is this a form of interrogation? Is he—

A warm hand pressed against his forehead.

"Your fever is gone. That's a good sign."

Namjoon looked at the man with a perplexed expression. He was still too shocked to move.

"Oh, right. You must be quite confused right now. That's normal. Anyone would be if he or she woke up in a stranger's house-"

"I don't understand..."

"You must not remember, but that's fine. I found you washed up on a beach a few days ago. I was going to call an ambulance but then you begged me not to for some reason. Luckily I'm a doctor or else you would've bled to death back there."

"Oh..." Namjoon was at a loss for words. He barely processed anything the man was telling him. However, he felt it was quite odd for a doctor to just house him and treat his wounds for free while not knowing what kind of person he was.

"You must be thinking it's strange for me to treat your wounds for free. Don't worry, I'm not."

"N-no, I wasn't thinking that!"

"Good. I expect full compensation from you."

"H-how much?"

"Hmm, let's see... I housed you, treated your wounds, and changed your bandages each day. I think that's worth at least 10 million won."

Namjoon was rather unfazed at the price that some stranger who claimed to be a doctor made up. Instead, his mind was flooding with worries about his failed mission and his beloved leader. Did he hear about my ambush yet? It's been a few days so I assume so. Does he think I'm dead? Is he disappointed? Is he sad? Will he forgive me if I crawl back now?

"Let me guess. You're stunned by the cost, aren't you? That's fine, I'll give you some time to gather the money to pay me. Until you've fully recovered, feel free to stay here."

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