Crimson Kiss

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Sequel to "Blood Pact"

"I... I told you to stay away."

Namjoon locked eyes with the monster on top of him. The monster got closer and closer, instilling fear into him with its blood-red irises. Panic rose in Namjoon's chest as he struggled against its grip. He could feel it—the monster's breath on his skin as its fangs hovered only a centimeter away from his neck. Namjoon didn't realize it in his frightened state but he was crying uncontrollably.

"Get off of me! Someone! Anyone! Save me!" he yelled amidst his pouring tears.

His vision was a blur. He could barely make out the terrifying beast in front of him. Namjoon squeezed his eyes shut and awaited the inevitable agony of sharp fangs piercing his skin and sucking away every ounce of his blood, but that agony never came. Namjoon felt the weight of the monster off of him. Cautiously, he opened his eyes. The monster was no more; there was only Yoongi sitting on his bed with tears staining his cheeks.


"Namjoon. I-I'm so sorry. I-I almost hurt you, didn't I?" Yoongi's usually calm demeanor was gone. His voice was shaky, almost broken.

"Wh-who was that, hyung?" Namjoon didn't want to believe that his kind, gentle hyung could be the same thing that attacked him.

No reply.

"Th-that wasn't you, r-right, hyung?"


"P-please, hyung. J-just say it wasn't you and I'll believe it." Namjoon's voice trembled. He was so desperate for an answer, an explanation, or even just a lie.

As he stepped closer to the older male, he could see the latter backing away. Witnessing Yoongi be so sad and vulnerable broke Namjoon's heart. He should've listened. Why did he offer to help? Why did he run into Yoongi's room when he was told not to? Why did he have to ruin everything? Fear still clouded Namjoon's mind, but it was not the same fear. Death was nowhere as scary as possibly losing the first person who ever treated him warmly. He was willing to forget about the whole incident if it meant they could return to how they were before.

Namjoon extended his arm toward the older male. "Hyung, it's alright. Let's just forget about this. Nothing happened. Please look at me." He wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm sorry, Namjoon. I'm so sorry," Yoongi cried.

It didn't matter to Namjoon that his shirt was getting soaked in a mixture of his and Yoongi's tears; the only thing that mattered was staying by Yoongi's side. After a while, the older male had stopped his sniffling and was sound asleep. Namjoon took this opportunity to gaze at him. As if he could lose him at any moment, Namjoon tightened his embrace around Yoongi. Please, hyung. Please don't ever leave me.


The days following the incident were unusually peaceful. Neither Namjoon nor Yoongi brought up anything that happened that night. They both stuck to their normal routine as if nothing had ever occurred, with Yoongi leaving extremely early for work and Namjoon waiting around until midnight for him to come home.

However, Namjoon started noticing a growing distance between them. Yoongi always managed to go to work before he was awake and came home only after he was asleep. On weekdays, he couldn't even see the older male's face. Namjoon liked to think that it was due to a spike in economic growth that Yoongi worked so much, but part of him realized the truth. He was being ignored.

The weekends when both of them would watch movies, bake, and cuddle were long gone. Namjoon convinced himself that time would restore their relationship, but the distance only grew with the passing weeks.

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