Chapter 10

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Kavya's mouth was ajar. Dhruv laughed at her and shook his head. Kavya's expression suddenly morphed from shock to fury. She took her purse and began to hit Dhruv with it.

"Ow! What the hell?"

"You idiot! You duffer! You scum! You show up here all high and mighty and you have the audacity to laugh? You said bye without meeting me and left my apartment without talking to me?"

Dhruv scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and shrugged his shoulders sheepishly while saying, "Sorry?"

Kavya couldn't possibly be mad anymore as his apology looked like it was coming from a five-year-old. Plus he had bought her a pricey plane seat.

"You are so filthy rich. You just have two phones lying around and you go around upgrading people to first class. Dhruv Kohli, who are you?"

"That's not the point. The point is that now you have to spend your entire plane flight talking to me. That way, I can make up for leaving your apartment after you saved me from my hangover." he said grinning from ear to ear.

Kavya rolled her eyes and laughed. She popped two pills so that she could sleep on the flight. The plane began to take off and she closed her eyes and put her head on Dhruv's shoulder.

Dhruv was shocked but then slowly he also rested his head back and closed his eyes while smiling.

Little gestures!


"Kavya wake up!" said someone shaking her by her shoulder.

"KAVYA!" they yelled loudly by her ear.

Kavya jerked awake and her eyes began to adjust to the light. Sarah was staring back at her and was trying to speak to her.

"Kavya the flight just landed. You've been sleeping forever."

"Dhruv bought me the plane ticket," said Kavya explaining to Sarah.

"Really?! Did you end up telling him how you feel?" asked Sarah eagerly.

"No!" Kavya said, slapping her forehead. "I ended up sleeping the whole flight."

Sarah grimaced and then began to berate Kavya. "How could you forget something so important? Whatever! Get out, we have to go to Raina's house."

Both girls began to walk outside the airport when they spotted a driver that was holding up a sign that had their names on it. They approached the vehicle and realized how expensive it was. Then they realized that what they were looking at a very chic Rolls Royce.

"This is an upscale wedding. The fancy ride makes sense," said Kavya.

"Just how rich are these people?" muttered Sarah.

"God knows."

Crazy rich if you ask me!


The car approached two very tall gates of a mansion. Kavya could not believe her eyes. Behind the cool covered palm trees was a white mansion in the distance. You could hear classical music in the background and people chatting in the garden which was adjacent to Raina's house. A lady was coming out of the powder room and servants were passing out free jewelry samples of red ruby earrings considering they had a jewelry business.

"I feel underdressed," said Sarah.

"Every time I went here as a kid I always felt underdressed," said Kavya. "You'll get used to it."

The gates opened and the fountain in the center of the mansion sprayed them with light drops of water.

"Kav! Sarah!" said a voice calling.

They both turned around and saw their best friend walking towards them. With milky colored brown skin and a fabulous designer dress on. She headed towards them and elegantly walked down the stairs as she pranced like a gazelle.

It was Raina, the bride to be.

And she didn't look happy.

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