Chapter 4

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Kavya shrieked loudly which attracted unwanted attention from people who were also picking their fruits and vegetables.

She hit him on the chest violently in protest. "Put me down! You're so shameless. People are looking."

"It's alright. You aren't even that heavy." Dhruv said, shrugging his shoulders.

Kavya mentally face palmed herself but her face was twitching in an effort to not burst out laughing like a lunatic.

"What about our belongings?" she asked.

"I can have someone pick them up from here. It's my first day here in Mumbai anyways."

Before Kavya knew it, a guy was picking her up and walking across the field without any care of the people pointing and whispering to each other. She closed her eyes and she pressed her ear to his chest hearing his heartbeat thump loudly.

Kavya looked up at Dhruv to find him staring at her intensely.

His soft brown eyes looked into hers. She gulped feeling giddy by such an intense gaze. She resumed having her eyes closed and heard Dhruv chuckling.

"So. How are you planning on getting both of us home Mr. Romeo?" Kavya questioned.

Dhruv smirked at the fact that she called him Romeo.

"Well Juliet, I have a question to pose to you before I give you the answer."

"And that is?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" Dhruv said, questioning.

Kavya rolled her eyes. "I just do!" she said indignantly

"Well don't!" Dhruv said, mimicking her high-pitched voice.

Kavya had to suppress her annoyance as well as amusement. This guy kept irking her in ways she didn't know was possible. Yet she felt a sense of lightheartedness because of Dhruv's nonchalant and goofy behavior.

Though behind the cool and cocky facade, Kavya felt she was talking to someone who had been under a lot of stress these days and needed a good dose of relaxation.


Kavya climbed inside the taxi. Dhruv had found them a ride to get back home.

She sat and Dhruv sat beside her and closed the door. His shoulder brushed against hers and goosebumps went up to her shoulder. Kavya didn't know why but Dhruv's touch made her feel good.

"So? You are a newbie here?" she asked.

"Yup. My hometown is Udaipur. I came here for a short vacation. I'll be leaving Mumbai soon."

Kavya felt disappointment hit her like a ton of bricks. She expected that an attractive guy moving to Mumbai was just too good to be true. Kavya knew that he was going to drop a detail that was going to separate both of them. Not that they were together anyways.

"Where are we going?" asked the driver.

"I'll drop you off first, " said Dhruv. "Where do you live?"

"Everglow apartment complex."

"Wait! Seriously? I live there too." exclaimed Dhruv.

"Really? What apartment number?" asked Kavya, getting hyper.

"Apartment 69."

Kavya couldn't believe her ears. This was the new neighbor. The new guy everyone had been raving about this afternoon.

"I'm apartment 70, " said Kavya anxiously awaiting Dhruv's reaction.

Dhruv's eyes widened eagerly like a kid and a smile appeared on his face. He seized Kavya's arm and pulled her to his chest in elation. Dhruv pulled in Kavya for a hug and wrapped his arms around her.

Kavya's heartbeat began to increase. She felt herself melt in the embrace. Kavya put her arms around him and she closed her eyes. As she began to drift off, a blaring sound came into her ears.

The driver honked loudly to get their attention.

"Excuse me! We have reached your destination and you two are getting cozy in the back of my car. You can't spend all night hugging like this in my car. Get out!"

"Sorry!" Dhruv said. He pulled his wallet out and quickly paid the driver. He then proceeded to pick Kavya up once again right outside their building. He ignored the looks the watchmen were giving them.

"Dhruv I don't think necessary to.."

Dhruv gave her a look which instantly shut her up. Kavya looked at all the aunties that began clamoring around both of them.

Some were whispering, laughing, and pointing. All the girls who were of her age were either giggling or glaring.

The Aunty who was talking this morning about asking Dhruv if he was available for her daughter glared at them in shock and distaste.

One aunty pinched Dhruv's cheeks and began to talk. "Dear! It has only been one day and you already have a girlfriend. You turned out to be quite fast." she said.

Kavya snickered and looked the other way as Dhruv's face turned as red as a tomato.

They quickly made their way up the stairs because they knew that there were already people crowded around the elevator waiting to see them. News had spread like wildfire that Dhruv Kohli brought Kavya Basu home in his arms.

Dhruv opened the door to Kavya's house as he took the keys from Kavya's pocket. He walked over to the armchair and set her down.

"I don't think a doctor is going to come right now. So we will have to do something about your injury."

"I'll do it myself."

"You sit."

"Then who's going to do it?" she asked, confused.

"Me. Where is your first aid kit?"

"Over there," Kavya said, pointing to a cabinet.

As Dhruv turned around to go get the bandages. Kavya grinned to herself and did a mental victory dance in the happiness that Dhruv insisted on dressing her wound.

I think I have a crush! 

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