Chapter 14

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Sitting on a bench and sobbing, Kavya couldn't help but feel like the biggest idiot this world has ever known.

She wipes her tears off and stares at the sun setting. Kavya then feels a hand on her shoulder and she stiffens up because she could recognize that touch anywhere.

It was Dhruv.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was worried about you." Dhruv sits down and grabs one of Kavya's hands.

"Stop!" says Kavya bursting out. "I can't do this anymore." Kavya yanks her hand from Dhruv.

Dhruv pulls Kavya towards him and cups her cheek.

Kavya feels the urge to pull away and resist his touch. However, at this point, she can't deny that no matter what, her feelings for Dhruv would pull her towards him like a magnet. There was no point in wallowing in guilt.

"I like you Kavya. A lot."

Kavya closed her eyes and let the words sink in. She longed to hear those words and they felt so satisfying when they hit her ears.

Dhruv leaned closer and pressed his lips onto Kavya. Kavya tried to resist but she couldn't find herself back out of the kiss. His lips felt soft and smooth while hers had the bitter taste of champagne remaining on them.

What started out as an innocent kiss was now turning into a full-on makeout session as Dhruv circled his arm around Kavya's waist and pulled her super close. The proximity between them was much less than what it had been.

Kavya suddenly broke out of her trance and pushed Dhruv off of her.

"I can't do this," she whispered.

Kavya quickly called a taxi and at lightning speed asked the driver to take her to the hotel. Dhruv banged on the windows but Kavya pretended as if he didn't exist and asked the driver to keep going.

The taxi set off in the sunset and once again, Dhruv watched her leave at a distance.

Frozen on the spot!


Kavya felt the sun disrupting her beauty sleep and also felt as if someone was aggressively shaking.

"Wake up Kavya! Today is the wedding and preparations are on full swing. We have to go help Raina out." said Sarah.

Kavya woke up and began to realize what had happened last night. She felt queasy as Sarah looked at her questioningly.

"What happened?" asked Sarah.

"I kissed Dhruv.," said Kavya.

"YOU DID WHAT?" yelled Sarah at the top of her lungs.

"There's no point in telling him how I feel Sarah! Raina is already getting married to him and I see no point in trying to change anything. Raina loves him and I can't deceive a friend like that."

"I get where you are coming from but don't you at least want to.."

Kavya cut Sarah off mid-sentence. "I'm just going to forget everything. Come on. Let's head to Raina's house."

A silence that may cost four lives!


Raina frustratedly looked around at the preparations that had been organized. The wedding preparations were on the full swing but still, she was as antsy and emotionally irked as could be.

"Mom wanted blue tablecloths, not pink ones!" said Raina berating someone.

Raina ran her fingers through her hair. She had pressured Dhruv to marry her and her parents as well as she had forced him to say yes to this alliance. It would obviously do wonders for their reputation considering that both families were highly revered in society.

Kavya and Sarah had arrived which broke her thoughts.

"Thank you guys for coming to help out. Sarah can you.."

"I have other work to do. Ask Kavya for help, I'm sure she'll be happy to assist," said Sarah walking away.

Raina's face paled a little and she looked at Kavya.

"I'm really stressed out, Kavya! I don't know what to do at this point. I'm having last-minute jitters, mom is getting really annoyed with the caterers and the tablecloth colors aren't correct and my wedding gown isn't.."

"Chill out! Just make sure to check everything off the checklist you made and make sure to.."

Kavya's sentence was cut off as she realized that Raina was angrily staring at Sarah. Sarah was laughing and drinking with another woman who was a part of the staff. She had her arm around her shoulders and they were giggling about something.

"SCREW ALL OF THIS SHIT!" yelled Raina at the top of her lungs.

Kavya looks at Raina completely bewildered. Raina ran out of the room and Kavya followed behind her. However, Sarah also follows with an expression of remorse and sadness on her face. Kavya is about to reach the door when Sarah reaches first.

"Who the hell gave you the right to bring a date? That too for my wedding?" yelled Raina at Sarah.

"I'm miserable okay! What the fuck do you expect me to do? Just stare and watch you get married?"

Kavya hears some sobbing and sniffles. And then pin-drop silence. She enters the room and sees something that roots her to the floor.

Raina and Sarah are kissing.

Kavya hears footsteps behind her and she turns to see Dhruv standing beside her.

His facial expression shows compassion and sympathy for both the women who are currently holding hands.

Before Kavya can open her mouth to say anything, Raina does.

"Shut the door."

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