Chapter 8

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"Oh my god," said Kavya putting her hands over her mouth and gasping.

Dhruv was in an inebriated state and two guys were helping him stand up. Kavya slapped her forehead and she wrapped her arm around Dhruv's waist and put her other arm around his neck. She made him sit in the car.

"What made him so frustrated that he went to a pub and got drunk because of his anger?" Kavya said, muttering under her breath. She shook the thoughts away and began to drive.

As soon as they had reached their apartments, it began to rain really hard. As Kavya helped Dhruv out of the car they both began to get soaked.

Luckily no one was outside of their apartments considering it was very late at night. It had taken Kavya almost the whole day to find Dhruv.

As she opened her apartment, she entered completely drenched, along with Dhruv at her side.

Kavya helped Dhruv lie down on the bed and she took off his shoes and watch. She set his phone aside on the table and she realized that his shirt was completely soaked. He would catch a cold if he stayed like this hence she hesitantly reached and began to unbutton his shirt.

Suddenly he jerked in his sleep which caused Kavya to fall on top of him. She almost screamed and he covered her mouth to prevent her from making any noise.

"Kavya.," he said half awake.

"Go to bed Dhruv."

"Kavya please listen to me! I'm sorry for what I did last night."

"It is fine Dhruv, it is honestly not a big deal," Kavya said half-heartedly.

"No, it's not! I want to make it up to you. I think that you deserve to know why I stormed out. The reason is that someone called.."

Kavya interrupted him and began to talk, "I said it is fine. You got mad and left. There is nothing surprising about that."

"Don't you want to hear what I have to say to you at least?" Dhruv said with desperation in his eyes.

"Whatever it is. It can either be put behind us or it can wait for tomorrow."

Dhruv rested his cheek on hers and Kavya closed her eyes. He took his hand and pushed her hair to the side and rested his head on her shoulder. She placed a hand on his bare chest feeling his abs.



"The truth is that I really.."

"That you really?"

There was silence. Dhruv had fallen asleep on Kavya's shoulder. Kavya put him back down on the bed and pulled the blanket over him. She turned off the light and closed the door behind her.

Kavya tossed and turned. She kept thinking about how there was only one day left for her to leave. Kavya either had to confess or let go of any emotions she felt for him. Sleep came to her late that night.


The next morning when Kavya woke up. She crossed her fingers that Dhruv would still be in the room when she opened the door. Kavya wanted to at least have a proper conversation with him before leaving and tell him her true feelings. She had decided that she was going to tell Dhruv that she liked him.

Kavya opened the door and her hand fell down to her side. The bed was empty, the blanket was folded neatly. Dhruv's keys and his phone weren't there.

He had left before she had woken up.

Dejectedly, Kavya headed into the shower and quickly freshened up. She ate breakfast and pulled her suitcase and her handbag towards her. She had to meet Sarah at the airport to fly to Udaipur today.

As Kavya headed downstairs to get a taxi, she turned her head towards the guard.

"Sir, do you know if the occupant in flat number seventy is still there?"

"No ma'am. Dhruv sir left his apartment this morning. The flat is vacant and once again he left in a taxi. All he said was that he would never be coming back here ever again. Sorry, ma'am." 

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