Chapter 9

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Kavya's car ride to the airport passed in complete silence as she looked out the window gloomily. She reminisced about the times she shared with Dhruv. Even though it was only for a couple of days, she felt as if those days were some of the best moments in her life.

"Madam, the airport is here. I'll unload your bags out of the car."

"Thanks," said Kavya as she pulled money out of her pocket to pay the driver.

As Kavya closed the door and grabbed her suitcase, she headed inside the airport and proceeded to check her bags in and then go through security.

Kavya sat at the gate where the flight was supposed to depart and then she heard a familiar voice.


She turned and saw her best friend Sarah waving at her and heading towards her.

"Sarah!" Kavya excitedly squealed. They both shared a brief hug and then sat down to talk.

"It has been so long! How are you?" asked Sarah.

"All fine. How about you?"

"I'm alright. How do you feel about attending Raina's wedding?"

Sarah simply nodded her head and smiled. Sarah was never really expressive about her emotions and often felt better when concealing them.

"You don't look okay?" said Sarah observing Kavya's face. "Did something happen?"

"No nothing. I just.."

"Don't lie now! Tell me who's bothering you? Who do I have to punch?" said Sarah jokingly.

Kavya had no choice but to tell Sarah her story. Sarah simply reacted at all the right parts. Kavya told her about the subsequent meeting at the farm, then the dinner party, the angry behavior, and then finally what had occurred a few hours ago when she found that Dhruv had left her apartment with no given explanation.

Sarah sighed at Kavya's heartfelt narration. "Sounds like you really like this guy. You also mentioned that you have his spare phone."

"Yes, but how is that supposed to help?"

"So idiot. Put your number in his spare phone and text his main phone from here. Call him when we reach Udaipur and tell him how you feel!"

Kavya wrapped her arms around Sarah and grinned from ear to ear. "You are a genius I tell you!"

"Yeah! This wouldn't just benefit you and Dhruv. It would benefit me also."

"How?" said Kavya confusedly.

However before Sarah could reply, the boarding for the flight had started and it was time to head to the wedding of the century.


As Sarah and Kavya, both found their plane seats which were right next to each other. They sat down and began to get comfortable.

When suddenly the air hostess approached their aisle. "Excuse me? Which one of you is Kavya Basu?"

"That's me," said Kavya raising her hand.

"Ah yes! You've been upgraded to first class. Please take your belongings and move upfront."

Sarah glared at Kavya. "You could have at least told me that you were in first class."

"I never was originally planning to be in first class. This is as much of a shock to me as it is to you."

As Kavya walked through the plane with her belongings, she stopped at her seat and her heartbeat almost stopped. There were two seats and one of them was occupied.

By Dhruv Kohli.

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