I feel something enter me and I sense it's excitement and gratitude. My arms move by the will of the other presence in my mind. I know my eyes glow and the Brand is glowing as well. Ezekeiel shines more moonlight at the disturbed soil and a sprout pops out of the ground. The sprout grows until it is a sapling. Next Ezekeiel places a band of moonlight around Dadarios's forehead, but you can still see the symbol on his forehead through the mooonlight. I feel a smile force onto my lips and the gratuitous presence leaves me and I keep the smile there.

"Your duties are to, obviously, protect this symbol and all of its species. You may, well, you pretty much wil have to bring recruits to help you tend to the symbol. Especially when new sites are able to be made. I assume you know the properties of the Verafold?" I tell him.

"Yes. It will be able to produce more of its kind in a matter of four months. I will use moonlight to speed its process. I will search for new people to help me guard the Verafold." Dadarios says.

"I believe they will be called Tenders of the Verafold. Choose well and call upon me if you find one. You can look from a distance and I will ask them if you tell me. I'm sure Ezekeiel is already looking." I tell him.

Did you get the Tender thing, Teliria? I call out to my Protector.

Yes, Guardian. She answers immediately.

Thank you.I tell her.

My pleasure. I find it easier to look over this plant than to do what I was doing before I was cursed. I'll see you later, Guardian. I feel her leave my mind.

"Lord, will you place your blessing over this grove, please?" I turn to Grover, this time I'm able to smile.

"Yes, Guardian." Grover says and starts to chant in Ancient Greek. I sense a force spread throughout the forest. We weren't in America. This is on an island out in the middle of almost nowhere. There is a small village near this grove, but only a few people live in it.

"Thank you, Lord. We will take our leave, Protector. Guard the Verafold with honor." I say. Dadarios nods and I flash Grover and I back to where I found him before. He sits back down on the same stump. We are in Camp Half-Blood's forest, joy.

I turn and start walking. "Percy." Grover calls warily. I stop and turn to him.

"Yes, Lord?" I ask respectfully.

"I didn't mean what I said before. Can you forgive me?" Grover pleads with me.

"I lost all ties last night. I am loyal only to the Moon and the Hunt. I no longer hold the same feelings towards those who wronged me. Which means, no loyalty, no anger. But I despise the people you became. So, I do not yet know. I may not be able to forgive if I lost what I felt before. I'll forgive you. But do not expect me to be friendly. I respect your position, not you yourself. You lost my friendship then, and you don't have it now. I don't know you, Lord. Do you require anything else of me?" I tell him.

Tears glisten in his eyes. I just despise them all now. "Can I talk with you?" Grover asks in a strained voice.

"As you wish." I walk over and join him on the stump.

"How did you lose all of your ties?" Is his start as a conversation. I scoff. "Please, Percy." Grover begs.

"I officially became a Guardian. A part of the Moon. My soul is cleansed of my old life. I am done with all of it. I only feel...empty other than the despising when I look at all of you. Only because you were able to treat a person like that. Turns out the Romans are better than most Greeks. Who knew?" I retort.

"Don't say that." Grover scolds.

"Yes, Lord." I reply.

"Why won't you call me by my name?" Grover asks me next.

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