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I was gonna do smut but my brain went wholesome- also I'm very very sorry I've been dead qq school finally ended and I don't have any more excuses

Janus X Patton because this ship is adorable
Patton's POV
Janus had been around for the past few days and in those days Roman hasn't been out of his room. Virgil said he was just taking a break from the group but I knew he was just hiding from his feelings. Virgil had been going between Romans room and the kitchen to at least get him food but from what I heard him tell Logan is that he hasn't been eating much.

I sighed. I feel bad. So so so bad. For Thomas too. Making him go to the wedding.. I see Virgil come downstairs looking very tired. "Virge-" Virgil looks up and then away. "He's fine Pat. He's getting better just relax." He grabs a cup from the cupboard and pours water in it. "He just needs a break for a while okay?" I look at him in shock. I know he's been... not really close with me for a while but- I nod. "Okay..."

He walks back upstairs and I hear a door close. "Virgil can be hard to deal with when he's being pushed with emotional stuff" I jump. "Holy guacamole! Janus- you scared me-" He chuckled. "Seems I have that effect on people" I smiled at him. Wow I haven't done that in a while.. "seems so.." I looked down which seemed to catch his attention. "What's wrong Patton?"

3rd POV

Patton sniffled, took his glasses off and put his hands on his face. "I feel like I've messed up my friendship with Roman, he won't talk to me, he won't come down for anything unless I'm not down here- I really don't know what to do Janus.." Janus looked at him with a sympathetic look. "I know how you feel, that's the way it is with me and Virgil. He doesn't wanna talk to me and he hisses when he sees me..but unlike me you can fix it, you know why?"

Patton looks up at him and shakes his head. "Because your Patton! The happy heart of the group. Your what keeps everyone going. Well the light sides at least. And I know this cus Virgil was a dark side but ever since he joined you guys he's been nothing but kinda positive! Because of you mainly!" Patton's eyes shined of happiness for a second. "R-really?" Janus gave him a look and Patton read it as a 'well no duh' face.

Patton smiled and nodded. "Ah- thank you Janus-" He nodded and patted Patton before smilingly back. "Now go try talking to Princey. Just try." Patton nodded "thanks- Janus" Janus had disappeared and Patton was left alone to wonder where the snake had gone.

Sander Sides oneshots (fluff/smut)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora