Max's journal entry 3

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My sister and I got into a fight today, except this time we didn't make up yet. We were at Rocky Lake and of course we argued because what else do we do? It started with us talking about the study group and then she made some pretty hard judgments about Jeff. I'll admit I've had my own judgments about Jeff, and maybe they were too harsh, or maybe they were even spot on, but Jeff is human. And that makes him just like Alice and I. Everyone isn't just good or evil. I'm not even sure that I'm mad about what she said about Jeff, it was more of the way she talked to me. As always she spoke as if she knew best and I was just stupid.

Alice seems to think that I have no idea about how the world works. That I'm just a stupid girl. I like to think I can see the good in everyone, maybe I just pretend that I see things that way to make myself feel better about how mean people have been to me. The thought that not everyone could be that way. That's probably why what Alice said to me made me so upset. I know exactly how mean people can be, she better than anyone should know that. And really what right does she have to just come back into my life and give me a lecture. And the crappy thing is that I know that it comes from a place of protection, and that she really is trying to help, I just wish she didn't look down on me so much.

Anyway, I hung out with Abed tonight. Yep, I'm very proud of myself for having friends as well as spending time with them outside of class and study group. He found me on campus while I was on my way home, then he walked me home. I thought that was very sweet. We talked a bit and watched a movie. We have differing views on Star Wars but other than that I think Abed and I are friends. I would assume so, he must like me enough to want to sit through a movie with me. I like having friends. I mean I've had friends before, most people do. But there is just something a little special about the friends I have now.

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