Chapter 1

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Third Person POV

America ran into the meeting room, with papers flying everywhere and a hastily put on suit with what looked like brown feathers stuck to a part of it. And his signature sunglasses.  He ran in, and hurriedly put down his stuff, and gratefully sat down. He ignored the stares and the whispers, and instead focused on UN screaming at him. "WHY TF ARE YOU LATE AMERICA? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? THIS MEETING WAS SCHEDULED A MONTH AGO! YOU'RE A SUPERPOWERblahblahblah" America tuned him out, instead focusing on brushing pelican feathers off his suit, earning some questionable stares. 

Earlier that day

Mississippi was running around, being chased by Louisiana's pelican, East. Lou was trying to calm East down, but Missi was wearing her state flowers in her hair, Magnolias, and East thought they looked interesting. Thus, he took to chasing poor Missi around the living room, while Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Alabama watched on, amused. 

Lou was trying desperately to help Missi, but was having trouble due to laughing so hard. East only stopped after Ame had to hold him down. But because East was flapping his wings like there was no tomorrow, that caused there to be a bunch of his feathers on Meri's suit. All the others were laughing incredibly hard, and Missi threatened to throw pecans at all of them if they didn't stop. Needless to say, they stopped. 

Back to present time

Ame chuckled at the thought of Mississippi attacking her siblings with pecans. He noticed that UN was done yelling at him, but still looked like someone pissed in his cereal. On Ame's right, was Canada, and on his left was Mexico, both of whom he had a great relationship. One, because Canada's his brother, and the other because he helped Mexico get with Australia, (this is my ship dont hate) his other brother. 

He glanced across the table, were a very bored Russian was fiddling with his pen. Rus looked up at Ame, who was staring at him. He scowled and muttered under his breath so UN wouldn't hear him. "Stop staring, Америка" Ame glared at him, and tried desperately to ignore the butterflies blooming in his stomach. Alright, yes! He had a crush on Russia! For 7 years. And the worst part was that Russia didn't even know it. Heck, Rus didn't even CONSIDER the fact that they might be friends. Which hurt Ame's soul. Here he was, loving someone who didn't even think of the other as a friend. 

America saw Canada looking at him out of the corner of his eye. Probably because Ame had ran into a meeting, and because this was the 3rd meeting he'd been late to this week. 

He grinned at Canada, trying to convince him that he's OK through his smile. Meri sighed and looked at his watch. Only 8:33. Today was gonna be a looooong day of pretending to be fine. Oh well, better get started. He put on a fake smile. Sadly, it looked realistic because he did it a lot. Fake a smile, that is. 

*Le gasp* whut? you think this is a time skip? HOW DARE YOU! YOU ARE ENTIRELY CORRECT.  skip to lunch break at 11:35

America's POV

I was bouncing in my seat. God, when will the clock move! Jeez, and I thought school was horrible! Finally, the little hand moves to the 7, and UN starts to speak.

"Alright you can-"

He was cut off by Ame sprinting down the hall, and running down the stairs.

"- go."

UN sighed and finished dismissing the other countries. 

Meanwhile, Ame had already made it down, and jumped into his car. He speed off, just barely over the speed limit. 20 minutes later, he reached the edge of the forest. He hid his car, and started jogging through it, knowing every stick and rock he came upon. America had bought the entire forest, and had spent the last 2 centuries living here with the states. They all knew the forest like the back of their hand, but Ame knew it better than any of them, and never hesitated when trying to find the house.

Speaking of which, he walked into a clearing, where huge mansion lay in front of him. It could hold up to 200 people on the first floor alone. Ah, home sweet home. In the back, there was an Olympic sized pool, and if you walked left, there would be another clearing, with a lake, a shooting range, and the stables. As he walked up to the mansion, 2 of his kids approached him. Little, Hawaii and Alaska, with Alaska holding Hawaii's hand. She smiled up at her father, before speaking.

"Hi makuakāne! Guess what? Missi and Lou are having a battle. Missi was still mad a Lou from this morning, so she started hitting Louisiana with pecans. Then Lou sent East to attack Missi, but accidentally hit Alabama instead. And then Ala took Oak an' Arkansas, an' they all teamed up with Minnesota (im sorry, i had to put my beautiful Minnesota. LAND OF A THOUSAND LAKES DUDES sorry) and started smacking everyone who got near them with fish. Now Tex' and Florida teamed up and are riding Ripple, while Texas shoots everyone with Nerf darts. The originals are watching them and wouldn't break them up until D.C. yelled at them. Boy was her face red!"

She rambled on, but Ame wasn't listening to her. Instead, he ran inside, and saw the chaos. It was exactly as Hawaii told him, but worse. D.C., bless her soul, was trying so hard to stop them, and so was Delaware, but with little to no luck. Thinking quick, Ame inhaled and screamed.


(america has a weird accent, that switches from New York to southern. It'll probably be more southern that anything really. props to original who thought of this! go check them out. @ObnoxiousAmerican )

Everyone froze. Then a switch flipped. Wyoming, New Mexico, Arizona, and Oklahoma all ran up to Ame and hugged him, Delaware and D.C. both sighed gratefully, and all the other kids ran around hastily picking up stuff. America laughed, and ruffled Wyoming's hair. He picked him and Ari up, and walked in to the kitchen, where Georgia, New Hampshire, and  Indiana were making their state treats. Peach cobbler, Cider doughnuts, and Sugar cream pie. Meri grinned, and set Wy and Arizona down, letting them run off to their siblings. 

He walked over to New Hampshire and helped him put the doughnuts on the serving plates, without mussing them up. He called all the states and D.C. to the table. NATO and the military branches didn't live with them, they only visited, and NASA was working late at his headquarters. 

Ame smiled. God, he loved his family. 

im gonna do a thing

where i put a depression quote that i like at the top, and then put a song underneath it

that'll be the layout from now on

soooo you can listen to the music while reading some of my stuff

Also thank you @TheTruthOfTheLiar for requesting Louisiana to be featured! remember you can just message me anyway you want if you have design ideas, plot ideas, or just want your state featured!



ohhh god 1,235 words. 



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