Henrik x Reader: A Day in the Park (Take a Break Part 2)

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Henrik stirs in his spot, taking a long stretch and yawn. He flips his position to better see the room. Of course, there they are, his best friend who so patiently helped him last night. He smiles to himself, seeing you curled into one of the chairs. With a hefty hoof he sits up to stand. 'My turn to help' he grins walking into the kitchen. He grabs the needed ingredients and information from online before he sets to work. It'll take a little while, but it'll be worth it!

You stretch a little stiffly, feeling your joints click and your spine pop. The chair wasn't a good idea. Better than nothing though! You wrap your blanket tighter around yourself, about to fall back asleep when you smell something in the kitchen. No way.
You untangle yourself from your sleep spot and quickly dash to the kitchen in a slightly unbalanced and groggy blur.
"It smells amazing in here!" You lean on the door frame before stepping into the room and plopping into a chair.
"Ah, good, I vas vorried I burnt somesing." Henrik grins, working at the stove. It's hard to see from your angle, but you know it's something good.
"How'd you sleep?" You ask from your spot
"Like a baby," he dishes up a pair of plates before turning to head for the table. "Best sleep I've had in weeks to be honest." He sets the plates down and takes his seat.
"Woah! You didn't have to." You grab your utensil and start shoveling bites of your favorite breakfast into your mouth.
"No problem! Least I can do since you helped me out last night." He grins munching on his own breakfast.
You stare at him a moment, does he remember? You push past it "You goin back to work today?"
"Hm...maybe. I don't know. I vasn't joking ven I said I could get blood clots. Today, I sink, vill be a valking day." He sort of shrugs "Vhat about you?" Of course he had to ask right after you've taken another bite. You power through as best you can before answering him.
"Dunno yet. I've got some school work, maybe work on some commissions, why?"
"Oh, just looking to go to zeh park. I vanted to know if you could come vis me."
You nod and take a sip of your drink, trying to hide behind the cup. After a moment you set it back down. "Sure, why not?"
"Wunderbar! I'd ask Chase, but he has an early shift at Sooubvay."
"Man, poor guy..." you grin playfully pitying your friend stuck dealing with typical 'fast food' run-ins.
"Yeah, oh! Ve could sving by later too!"
"Not a bad idea. But first, to the park!"

It's a lovely day out. A little warm accompanied by a soft breeze. The grass of the park seems lush, the trees a little fuller, and the clouds a few wisps. You laugh walking side by side with Henrik.
"I svear it's true! At suh kids' party he tried a new trick and his entire nose turned into a trunk!"
"Oh my gosh, all from trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat?!" Good grief, the antics of these guys.
"Yeah! And sen he sprouted rabbit ears! Seh children were dieing."
"Pfff, I can imagine!" You settle down slightly and look around "Hey, Hen, look. The playgrounds about empty." He nods in response before you grin "Race you to the swings!" With that you bolt.
"Hey! Not fair!" He dashes to at least keep up. You slam into one of the seats, pushing it up so it holds your weight between your shoulders "Haha! Victory is mine!" A moment after Henrik grabs the chains of his own swing "Only because you cheated."
You slide back down into the seat "Go on then, how did I cheat?!" You grin
"You got a head start, no varning or anysing!"
"Tryin to keep you on your toes!"
Henrik rolls his eyes before taking a seat "My Dear, if I vere anymore on my toes I vould be un ballerina." He takes his own seat and starts swinging. You follow suit, enjoying the soft quiet. You used to come to this park all the time as a kid, a little ways away is the rocking duck you loved growing up. Above you are the boughs of an old tree.
"Hmhm, when I was small, I'd try to swing high enough to kick those tree branches." You smile softly to yourself, stretching you legs just a little further to try and touch them.
"Sounds dangerous..." Henrik watches you from his own modest height "What if you fell out of the swing?"
"...maybe that's why I'd get in trouble. What about you?"
"Oh, you don't want to hear about sat..."
"Come on! If I didn't wanna know, I wouldn't have asked." You grin slowing your speed.
"Okay, okay. Ven I vas a kid my family could go camping. Zere vas a lake und we vould go fishing. Never caught a sing, but it vas nice." He shrugs a little, now matching your swing pace. "Vone time I vent down to seh shore to look for shells. While looking I found un small turtle! I vanted to take him home, but Faser said no. Still, I'd visit him every once in a while."
"Aw, tiny you made a friend!"
"Yeah, sey vere sweet." He smiles remember the little reptile, slowing the swing to a stop "I sink suh lunch rush just got over at Soobvay."
You catch on and jump off the swing, landing a few feet away "Let's get goin then!"
Henrik grins at your antics before stepping out of the swing "You goof," he walks up to you and extends his arm. You smile and take it.
"I see, worried I'd leave you in the dust, eh?"
"Oh hush you, let me be a gentleman."
"Okay, okay."
Today's been a good day, you think that this has helped Henrik, even if just a little. It's nice to spend a calm day with the good doctor.

Thank you for your patience. I know it's a different story, but I'm saving the old one for later.

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