Pride and Honor

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 Frost takes a stroll in the nearby woods, a swarm of scarecrow demons and Empusa's surround Frost. Frost teleports behind an Empusa he sheaths his Yamato that results in the upper half of its head being cut off. Frost impales a scarecrow demon with his sheath he follows it up with violent slashes, Frost retrieves his sheath he sheaths his blade again resulting in a few more demons being chopped up. Frost activates a Judgement Cut to finish off the last remaining demons, the son of Sparda hears someone approaching him from behind. Frost darts around and aims the tip of his blade at Blake "Woah, easy it's just me!" Frost sheaths his blade before sweeping his hair back "What is it?" "Round two begins in a few minutes." Frost walks past Blake, the two head back to the Colosseum. Frost takes a seat beside Squall Cinder sits beside him moments later 'You gotta be kidding me.' Cinder shoots Frost a smile "Hi Frost." Frost doesn't even look at Cinder; "Hi...Cinder. Did you come here to ask me about my day, or ask about how you got schooled by first year students?" Cinder lightly chuckles "Oh, Frost my team and i are first year students also, we just went easy on you." Frost shoots Cinder a side glance. "Don't take me for a fool."   Frost looks forward to see Russel Thrush and Sky Lark getting defeated by a student codenamed Vector, Frost focuses on Vector for a long minute. Vector easily parry's Sky's assault before flipping him over his back, his teammate codenamed Mr. X kicks him in the chin. Russel slashes at Mr. X only for the mysterious man to parry each slash with his hidden blades. Mr. X  jumps into a backflip and kicks one of his daggers out of his hands, Russel continues to try to land a hit on Mr. X, the unknown man tosses down a smoke bomb when the smoke clears he's gone. 

Mr. X deactivates his cloak as he appears behind Russel he goes all out with various punches and kicks, the mysterious man finishes Russel off with a drop kick to his back. "Seifer you up to face team Funky." "Ready as ever." Frost and Seifer head down to the arena to see that their opponents are Neon and Flynt. Neon stares intently at Frost "I like your hair, what hair dye did you use?" "Uh, it's my natural hair color."  "Ooh, really?" Flynt stares at the two before lowering his shades "You two are SeeD academy students right?" Frost crosses his arms "That's right."  Frost hears Neon mimic him as well as his posture. The arena is split into a forest, urban, geyser and mountain biome.  Frost coldly glares at Neon "It's time to put you in your place." Frost teleports up to Neon to slash at her, but only to slash at a rainbow blur "What!" Neon skates around Frost "You should try rollerblading sometime! It's super fun! It'd probably take you a while since you know you're...boneheaded." 

(Frost Oakenshield and Seifer Almasy Vs Neon Katt and Flynt Coal)

Frost lets out an annoyed growl as Neon skates around him whilst mocking him "I'm warning you, be careful because once i get my hands on you. I'll have you begging for mercy." Neon stops in front of him "Ooh, scary." Frost fires off a lightning spell Neon skates out of the way, the son of Sparda fires off a rapid barrage of energy swords but Neon is moving too fast for them to hit. Neon skates to the top of a building and yawns "C'mon I'm getting bored." Frost teleports up to Neon, Neon blade locks with Frost. Frost forces her back Neon cracks her Nunchaku the son of Sparda sweeps at Neon to throw her off guard, Neon ducks under one of his strikes and freezes his arm, Frost recoils back in shock "What the!" Neon knocks Frost off of the platform. Frost punches the ground to free his frozen arm Neon skates down a foot away from him, "Gee, you need to cool down."  Frost activates his Eclipse limit breaker but is stonewalled by Flynt, Seifer shoots the two with a fireball Frost goes out with a speed blitz offense. 

"If you won't shut the fuck up on your own, i will just have to make you." Flynt surrounds both Frost and Seifer with duplicates of himself "Oh shit." Flynt sends off high-frequency waves towards the two. Frost tackles Seifer and teleports behind Flynt, Frost sends off a few projectile slashes that cleaves through a few of the doppelgangers. Neon skates around Frost before striking at his legs to freeze him in place "You should cool off! Get it? Because you're angry." Frost coldly glares at Neon with hatred "I'm not angry, i just want to kick your ass." "Ooh, feisty!" Frost punches the ice to break free but is knocked through a concrete wall by Flynt's high-frequency sound waves. "You did it Flynt! Now for blondie." Frost sends out a rapid barrage of projectile slashes, both Flynt and Neon side step to dodge, Frost emerges from the rubble in his Devil Trigger form. Frost wildly slashes at Neon she skates around and cracks her Nunchaku to switch to a yellow color. Frost dodges her attacks and knocks her back with a power strike "Ooh, flashy! You're pretty cool when angry." Neon skates around him Frost was expecting this and sends off a rapid barrage of energy swords that causes Neon to lose her balance "Never miss a bit! Never miss a beat! Never...miss...a...beat." Frost shoots Neon with a blistering barrage of energy swords. Following it up by pinning her in place with a hail storm of energy swords, before finishing her off with his Magical Sword limit breaker.

Seifer is barely holding his own against Flynt, Flynt is about to finish Seifer off  only to have his trumpet knocked out of his hands by a lighting bolt shot by Frost "Seifer now!" Seifer nails Flynt with a few fireballs and Frost follow through his Eclipse limit breaker. While Seifer finish Flynt off with his Demon Slice limit breaker, Frost returns back to his base form and drops to one knee. Only to hear Neon "We lost!? Team FNKI lost!? That...that was...that was amazing! Oh my gosh you guys were super crazy awesome! We should definitely party together sometime, right Flynt?" Flynt nods in agreement "Yeah, you guys are pretty cool, especially you Frost." "Thank you." 

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