Kicking Vampire

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The whole gang was in the living room of the Salvatore boarding house. I was sitting on the couch and Stefan was standing by me. Caroline was sitting in the arm chair with Tyler holding onto the back. Damon was the closet to the fire place drinking Bourbon. And the rest were randomly placed around the room with a serious look on there faces. We recently got a new vampire hunter in town. And he's pretty powerful. We've analyzed ever way of killing him but we can't. Cause he is magically bound here. And Bonnie isn't strong enough to kill him. Klaus doesn't even know what to do. We have finally given up.

"I don't know why were still trying, I mean we can't kill him its hopeless." Damon said twisting around his glass. Suddenly a girl with dirty blonde hair and a ring on her left ring finger with black tank top with blank pants and boots on slammed through the door.

"Really your going to give up that fast." She said.

"Who are you." I said.

"Who are you talking about?" Damon said and turned around. Everybody looked at him.

"The girl she is standing right there Damon can't you see her." Caroline said.

"Oh he can't see me." She said.

"Why?" Stefan asked.

"Cause I'm his future." She said and lifted up her left hand moving her ring finger slightly. "Oh my gosh Stefan, Elena its so nice to see y'all without baby barf all over you."

She smiled like she'd known us our entire lives.

"How long have you known us."

"I can't say but its been a long time."

"You seem cocky." Klaus replied.

"Well that's because I'm Damon Salvatore's soul mate." She said. "It comes with the job."

"What are you doing here? You know the witches will hurt you." Bonnie stepped up.

"Oh I don't have to worry about that." She said starting to walk around.

"Why not?" Bonnie raised an eyebrow and cocked her head.

"Cause I'm not a witch I'm something way cooler."

"What are you?"

"I can't say."

"Right cause it will mess up the future." Tyler said.

"No cause my boss will kill me."

"So how do we know your from the future." Caroline asked.

"Ask me anything."

"OK what future of my baby."

"Um babies and currently the "bitches" to the "pimp" Damien, that's your son." She said and pointed to me and Stefan.

"Were having twins." Tyler said.

"Yup. Now let's talk about what I came for. Stefan you care about Damon, right." Stefan nodded. "And you care if he's happy or not." Stefan nodded again. "Then do him a favor, and look for me."

"Why can't he look for you?" Stefan asked.

"Cause he is in a bad place right now and he can't, forget about the vampire hunter, forget about Klaus being a bastard, just look for me. I'm your only hope. Can you promise me you'll look me." She said her voice shaking. Stefan nodded. A bright light came from the open door, she started smiling. "I have to go. My family needs me." A little girl with black and hazel eyes with a man with dark black hair and amazing blue eyes came out of the light. The man chasing the girl.

"Mommy tell daddy to stop chasing me." She picked up the small child.

"Damon stop." She said putting a hand on Damon's chest.

"Look what you did you got me in trouble." Damon said. The small child stuck her tongue out at him and he did it right back.

"Damon what are you doing." Stefan said.

"Stefan my brother, thank you for giving me the best gift of my life." He said while he hugged Stefan.

"You really do love her don't you?" Stefan said.

"With every fiber of my being." He said looking at her and smiling. Then quickly turning around and started to walk torwards himself. "Damn I look bad." He looked over to Klaus. "Klaus do me a favor." Klaus looked up surprised. "When my bride comes, make sure I'm sober."

"Why me?" He asked.

"Cause your the only person in this room that has enough balls to get between me and Bourbon"

They both smiled.

"I will." Klaus laughed.

"Honey we have to go home." The woman said.

"Why." Damon said like a little kid.

"Cause I have to get you ready to go out to dinner with Elena, Stefan, Caroline, Tyler."

"Who's going to watch Stefanie." Damon asked sounding concerned.


"Wait Lexi's alive." Stefan asked.

"Uh we have to go." Damon speed over to her. "Now Stefan remember. If you want this-" she started to wave her finger around her family "to happen then you'll look for me immediately. Bye. Say bye Stefanie."

"Bye." Stefanie said in the cutest voice. We all waved bye to her.

"See you later bro." Damon said. And they left.

"OK what's going on?" Damon asked.


We meet future Damon and family with little Stefanie.

Caroline is going to have twins

What should I name Caroline's twins.

Stelena : Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert  love stroyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon