Writers Mad! *not a chapter*

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I look at myself in the mirror. I look at my dirty blonde hair, everyone loves my hair, it’s really long and I take very good care of it. My hazel eyes, in my opinion they look like snake eyes. I look in the mirror and I see some girl that is so beautiful. I bet no body knew how fucked up she really is. Her dad beat her family, and he got arrest for stealing. At the time she was so young so she didn’t think that the guy that hurt her so much was finally leaving. No she was seven. All that was running through her young mind was that her daddy is leaving. And that thought flooded her memories every time he went to jail. But by the 2nd time she was thinking that her dad didn’t want her. She thought that he chooses a jailhouse and disgusting food and mold over his own children. She lost her childhood because of him. Do y’all remember 3rd grade? Do you remember playing on the playground and laughing and playing with your friends? She wishes that was her. All she remembers is the path she took. Walking around that playground, over and over again. Hearing all the children laugh and play while she was thinking “I could have done something” or “it was my entire fault. I could have stopped him.” But as the years progressed and she got older. She stopped getting sad ever time “daddy went to jail”. Nope she just got mad. So very mad to where she became hard and she mean to everyone that ever came across. She pushed people away that she shouldn’t have. But some of them friends stayed. You would have never thought that the girl in the mirror was messed up. She couldn’t even believe it.

Where is she now?

Umm well…. She moved to a small town that she hates more than anything in the world. She has a bunch of friends but some of them don’t know about her story. She disguises her shattered childhood with a big smile and glasses. She looks normal. She slowly getting used to the place some of her friends are really supportive.  She also met a guy she really likes. But he says that he doesn’t like drama and she is all about drama. So she’s trying to change herself to not be so dramatic. But pretending everything is ok and all together. Doesn’t make everything ok and all together. She still remembers everything.

Who is this girl you ask? Well she has a lot nicknames. And with her glasses off she calls herself Holly Bones because she isn’t the same without her glasses. But you readers know her as HaileyJones993. So before people judge me, please get to know my story first and now they know exactly where to find it.

Stelena : Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert  love stroyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें