Chapter 22: Alive

Start from the beginning

"My abilities include speed, elemental, and sensing different energies within a 500 foot radius. I'm one of those rare kinds that have 3 powers haha" He finger guns to me.

"Oh that's cool! I am just super strong and can make humans see me." I laughed.

"Whoaaa are even allowed to do that?" he asked

"Responsibly, yes. I've only shown 2 people my form. My mom, and one of my bullies, just to scare him." I smirked

"Wow that's really cool. I would do the same." Felix said as he looked down at the soul book.

"Amanda White, age 26. Engaged to John Mills. The current time is 5:34 pm scheduled passing is at 5: 44 pm of November 2, 20XX. No issues to report" Felix points to the woman walking at the crosswalk. 

"Let's go," I say as we flew down and began to follow the woman. She was on the phone with her fiance. They spoke of the wedding and how she was on her business trip and found the dress she wanted to wear and was heading back to her hotel. Felix checked his watch.

"9 minutes." he said. Suddenly she was dragged into an alleyway. Felix and I rushed to the scene. Amanda's screams were muffled and she struggled to release herself from the man's grasp.

!Trigger warning!

"Hold still and I might just let you go." he threatened her at gunpoint. She shook and obeyed him. He leads her to the back of the alley.

"Felix...I have to do something. This is wrong."I started to move forward.

"No, we can't f/n. You know what we have to do."

"But this is no accident, this can be stopped," I explained. Felix let go of my wrist.

"I don't advise it, but I can't stop you, you'll pay the consequences."

"Why should there be consequences when our job is to protect souls," I said and Felix's eyes widened. The man was touching Amanda in inappropriate places and she whimpered as his hand slid down her shirt and to other areas.

"HEY!" I shouted. I was in my grim form, only a couple of feathers were shown in my hair in face, but I won't go hybrid unless  I need to. The shadows will hide my identity.

"You wanna join lady." He pointed his gun at me and I gave him a disgusted laugh.

"You're asking me if I wanna be raped, I don't want to. But I'll trade so you leave her alone."

He let her go and she ran behind me and I kept my arm in front of her to protect.

"What are you doing we should run," she whispered

"He has a gun. I can cover for you, you can run away." I explained. Her legs were shaking it was hard for her to stand. "I won't leave another woman to be a victim." Amanda cried. The man shot his gun and I took the bullet for her as I wrapped my body around her. Shit that burns. She screamed.

"I'm okay." Laughed and stood up to the guy. I cracked my neck as I rolled my eyes at the man.

"What the fuck?"

"Hahaha you are so stupid. If you're so desperate to find a woman, maybe if you were a gentleman and not a disgusting pig you'd be married."  As my body healed itself I took out the bullet from my back and handed it back to the man. "I think you dropped this." I smiled handing him the bullet.

"DEVIL! You're THE DEVIL" he cried and ran off. I stopped him by punching him in the stomach and crushing his gun with my strength. "Abuse anyone again and I'll find you. And next time It'll be more than a punch to the stomach." I explained as I turned hybrid. The man ran crying his eyes out. Amanda looked at me.

"Don't be afraid. I just wanted to protect you." I smiled as I ruffled my wings and holding her. I felt her hands glide across my wings as she looks un awe.

"Are you an angel?"

"I guess you could say that. Now you have to keep this a secret. If not I'm gonna be in trouble and you're gonna be in danger. Now I want you safe, so go to the police or public area where people can help you get home." I held out my pinkie and she locked it with mine. 

"Goodbye Amanda," I say and disappear from her sights.

"Her pages are gone, but the man is going to kill himself in 3 days," Felix said looking at his book.

"Oh I am happy to be part of his nightmares when he joins a grim organization, I'm seriously gonna beat his ass," I said. 

Suddenly our necklaces were glowing. Someone is in trouble. We press the button and the portal opens, out falls a bloody peacock feather. It certainly wasn't demon was Taehyung's blood.

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