Sex tape-bh

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Betty POV
Me and jug were in our room the door locked me grinding against him while he was holding onto my sides caressing them with his hands and kissing my neck our clothes were all on the floor except my bra, underwear and jugheads boxers. It's been two days since we took down stonewall Brett going to jail for having and recording underage sex tapes without permission it was the only day that we were alone jellybean was at her friends, Fp and my mom were both with Charles helping him with a case. I felt jugs hands sneaking up from my sides to my back going to the clip on my pastel blue bra pulling away from my neck looking for consent to take it of i nodded my head, him smirking while unclipping it. He pulled my arms out throwing it on the floor with the rest of our clothes he looked back at me then my chest and leaning down and kissing my right boob taking my nipple in his mouth, with one hand in the middle of my back keeping me close while the other was pinching my left nipple. "Mhmm Juggie" i moaned while throwing my head back shutting my eyes and putting my hands through his hair pulling on it softly. I was flipped over by jug he pulled away from my breasts leaning down and kissing me my hands brushing through his hair, he pulled away and stood up taking off his boxers, he went to the end of the bed pulling me by my legs pulling me down so my core was right in front of his face when he got on his knees my underwear were still on he kissed from my knees to the inside of my thighs. I sat up on my elbows looking down at him he put his hands on the waistband of my underwear while he looked up at me asking for consent again "oh my god jug just take them off"i said annoyed cause he was teasing me "my horny girl" he said while smirking, he pulled my underwear down teasingly slow throwing them behind his head. He kissed my thigh again going up towards my heat he placed a soft kiss on my core my legs closing from pleasure on his head he chuckled his hands pulling them open again. We were interrupted by the doorbell "ugh why do we always get interrupted, Veronica told me that her and Archie never get interrupted" i said annoyed, jug threw me his shirt while putting on a pair of pajama pants and a new shirt from the closet while i put on a pair of shorts. Jug unlocked the door walking out into the hallway going down the stairs me following behind him "I'm gonna go get a water, do you want one" i asked jug as i went to the kitchen while he went to the door "uhh yeah please" he yelled before unlocking the door and opening it. I came out of the kitchen sitting on the couch, jug came back from the door holding another tape he put it in the VHS player he grabbed the remote to it and sat down next to me pressing play. The screen lit up it showing me and jug at his old room at stonewall we were talking then you see jug swipe the candy wrappers off the bed and grab my waist pulling me on top of him. I looked at Jug my eyes wide he had the same expression on his face he looked back to the tv pausing the tape just before my bra was about to be taken off. "We need to call Charles and your dad" i said blankly "yeah that's a good idea" he said after he ran a hand through his hair. The phone rang three times before Charles picked up "Charles you my mom,and Mr. jones need to get here ASAP there was a tape on the doorstep" i said frantically while pacing back and fourth to try and calm down "ok we'll be there in about ten minutes" he responded "ok see you soon, bye" i hung up before he could say bye. I walked back into the living room tears threatening to spill from my eyes, i saw jug pacing around the coffee table mumbling words to himself looking down at his hands "jug" i said my voice breaking tears now falling from my eyes "yeah" he said not looking up "Juggie what if whoever sent us that tape sent it to everyone in the town" i said now sobbing. He stopped pacing looking at me now, he sighed walking over to me, he stood in front of me i wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down a little while he put his hands on my butt lifting me up he walked over to the couch sitting down. He moved one of his hands to my hair the other clutching the back of my shirt while i sobbed into his neck "shhh Betts its ok we'll figure it out together I'm not going anywhere okay?"

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