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Suggested by sprousehartdarbara thx for the suggestion

Warning long chapter

Lili POV

I was so excited to tell Cole that I'm pregnant because I've always wanted a family with him. I was going to tell him today I was kind of nervous but still excited tell him. I was just going to tell when we were eating breakfast. I was half way done eating when I said "Cole, I have to tell you something , and you might be mad or really happy okay?" he looked at me with a very confused look "I'm pregnant" I said he thought I was joking "Funny joke lils" he said then looked up to see my eyes. He knew what my facial expression looked like when I was joking but this was not something that I was kidding about, his face instantly went to a smile to complete shock. I gave him a sad smile he then asked "wait your not joking about this are you" I had tears in my eyes and nodded my head yes and looked up to see his eyes. They were filled with complete shock and after a couple minutes of complete silence he finally said "Lili I love you but I don't think that I can do this" this is not the reaction I was hoping for the I said "wh-what do you mean" he then looked me in the eyes and his had tears in them "I'm sorry Lili but, I-I don't think I can handle being a father this young I think that you should abort the baby"(I DO NOT THINK THIS IS OKAY BUT IT IS JUST PART OF THE STORY) I let out a cry and said "you really want to get rid of this baby, OUR BABY that we made sure it might be unexpected but I will never do that even if the baby was my cousins" said letting the tears fall freely. Then he just looked at me with anger in his eyes and said "if you wont get this baby aborted then I'll just have to kill it myself" (IM GOING TO SAY THIS AGAIN THIS IS NOT OKAY I DO NOT THINK THIS IS ACCAPTABLE ITS JUST FOR THE STORY) I didn't know what to do I was in complete shock and couldn't move. Then I felt someone shaking me awake.

Cole POV

I felt Lili stirring in her sleep it was like three in the morning. I thought she was just getting comfortable because she is four and a half months pregnant and gets uncomfortable easily, she kept stirring so I sat up to see if she was awake. She wasn't awake but she was crying really hard in her sleep to the point that she was almost sobbing. I lightly shook her trying to wake her up but she was a heavy sleeper, I got really worried about her so I shook her more. She finally woke up and she was now full on sobbing I guess she had a bad dream, she looked around for a second the her eyes met mine and they were filled with love and worry but most of all concern. She looked into my eyes for a second like she was scared but then she lunged herself into my arms, I sighed in relief happy that she was okay. She death gripped my shirt and hide her face into my neck and quietly sobbed in it. After a while of whispering calming things into her ear her sobs became quiet and her breathing calmed down, she pulled her head away from my now wet neck and looked into my eyes and I looked into to hers that were bloodshot from crying she then leaned in and kissed my lips softly and I kissed back softly. When we pulled back I was the first to say something I asked "do you want to talk about your dream or do you want to go back to sleep and tell me in the morning?" her very softly not trying to upset her anymore than she already is. She answered with her soft voice "I want to go back to sleep and tell you in the morning" I replied with a breathily "okay". I wrapped my arms around her and kissed he cheek and temple before saying "goodnight my love. I love you and this baby so much it hurts" I said while bending my head down and kissing her swollen stomach, and putting my hand up under her well my shirt and rubbing circles on it. I heard her mumble "mmh love you too" before falling asleep.

Time skip to morning.

Lili POV

I woke up snuggled up into Coles chest and looked up at him to see if he was awake, he was and his hand was under my shirt rubbing my belly I smiled at him and moved up so I could put my face into his neck. I kissed his neck to let him know that I was awake and he chuckled softly and kissed my cheek. I sat up and he asked "do you want to talk about the dream you had last night?" I nodded my head and explained my dream to him he just looked at me while listening occasionally nodding his head understanding. He said "I would never EVER hurt you or any girl for that matter. I'm so sorry that you had that dream and I love you and our little nugget for ever and ever okay?" looking at me with worry and passion but most of all love I nodded my head and said "okay" softly. The rest of the day was filled with talking to our baby, cuddling, Netflix,weird cravings from me of course, and lots of love and sleep.

time skip four months later

Cole POV

I was in the shower when I heard Lili call for me I quickly got out and wrapped a towel around my waist. I ran into our bedroom to see Lili standing in a puddle of water. I put some clothes as fast as I ever have in my life. I got the bag and helped Lili walk out to the Jeep and helped her into the passenger side of the car and ran to the drivers side once she was in. I got to the hospital in a matter of minutes and grabbed the bag and then helped Lili out of the car and went inside the hospital and we got checked in and an hour later Matthew Mitchel Sprouse. I was doing skin to skin with Matthew while laying down with a sleeping Lili. Our families were flying out to Vancouver tomorrow morning and will be here my the afternoon. I love my small little family and can't wait to propose to the love of my life and have more children with her and love her for the rest of my life.

Hi I hope you liked this

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