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Lili POV
It was that time of the month again. I ran to the bathroom feeling sick to my stomach, I saw Cole rushing behind me. I threw up in the toilet as he held my hair back. When I was done I cleaned my self up and grabbed a tampon and put it in my hoodie pocket cause as soon as I threw up I felt jellyfish down there. Cole gave me a confused look because I stuffed something into my hoodie pocket" baby what did you just stuff into your pocket?" He asked with a worried face " you really want to know?" I sniped a bit witch was normal for me to do this time of the month " period?" He asked concerned
" yeah" I said a little embarrassed " "baby there is nothing to be embarrassed about here let me help you" he said getting up from my bed
" you know I love you " I said with a loving look " I love you too" he said and came up and kissed me I put my waist up to him forgetting that there was a big red stain on my shirt and shorts. I got my blood on his white tank top I pulled away from the kiss and looked down at his shirt " I'm so so so sorry " I said he gave me a confused look and I pointed down to the blood stain on his tank top " baby it's ok" he said in a reassuring look
Cole POV
Lili went to the bathroom to take a shower to rinse off the blood that was on her. I changed into a clean shirt. When she was in the shower I went to the store witch was only a block away from the apartment building. I got her some pads, tampons, chocolate, heating pad, pajamas, chips, and a new blanket. When I got back to the apartment she was still in the shower so I set everything up on the bed to surprise her. I went to the kitchen made some waffles for us. I herd the shower turn off I quickly set the waffles on a tray and putt it on the bed where everything else was. I stood waiting for the bathroom door to open. The bathroom door opened to see Lili on her phone she looked up from her phone a huge smile appears on her face. I stood there holding a giant soft teddy bear that I bought for her birthday but there was not a perfect day other than this one to use it. " Cole what's this for " she asked in amaze " nothing just thought that you would want a relaxing day" I said lovingly " cole this is amazing" she said running over and kissing me on the cheek. Two years of dating and she still makes me blush.

A/n this is my first one shot thx for reading I will do bughead as well

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