Thankfully, Ali had been asked to stay back with his brother. I wouldn't have been able to hide my emotions from him. After what we'd just shared, I needed some time to come to terms with the changing situation.

Anger and bitterness swam through me. It hadn't even been a day and I already had a new reason to doubt my husband. I had been married for a week and a half and I was already worried about my survival.

For the millionth time, I wished I'd just been an ordinary girl, who'd been married to an ordinary guy, without the fear of losing her life.

"So, what's he like?"

"Who?" I said absentmindedly.

"My brother," Zainab snapped and I raised an eyebrow. "Mehmet!"

I had to be careful. She had the same blood. "I don't know. I haven't seen him since I was ten."

"So you've never been in contact with him?"

"No." Lie. "How do we plan this?"

"Well, we've already got a set menu." Something about her interest did not sit right with me. "The cooks know what to do, if you want, I can double-check..."

"No need, I'll do it. I've arranged plenty of these for my father. I'll need your help with the interior." We had reached my room and I turned around to give her a bright smile.

Zaynab raised an eyebrow but thankfully accepted her dismissal without another comment. I walked into the room, my eyes snagging on Ali's bed. The sheets had been changed, the pillows and covers rearranged.

Soon, the whole palace would know about the consummation.

Tears stung my eyes. Did I regret the act? No. Whatever Ali's role was in this whole game, his care and concern had been genuine. I could not expect him to go against his father's wishes, the safety of his caliphate, and leave the politics aside.

Just like I couldn't go against my family.

"Ayesha! Haleema?" I muttered walking into my chambers. They appeared, their hands folded primly, eyes downcast. It was now or never. "Ayesha, can you draw me a bath? And get the nice lavender soap." She nodded, running to fetch the hot water.

Haleema stood back her eyes fixed on me, resentful. "I'm going to ask you this once and I expect you to answer me truthfully. Were they here for me?"

Haleema blinked, her lips curving into a slow smile. "They're all here for you." A strange mixture of two opposing emotions washed over me. Relief that she was the spy. Panic, well, she was the spy. Meaning that there were others. That I was right. That the woman in the Bazaar had been right.

"I want you to do two things. First, I want you to tell Mehmet to stay away from here. This whole thing is a trap."

I started to untangle my hair, worried and agitated. Her nimble fingers replaced mine, trying to soothe me. "And second?"

"Get me some birth control. Go to Yaqub's in the Bazaar. He has some. If he doesn't agree, ask for Sanaa, she would. Both of these tasks need to be done today." She nodded, her gaze serious. "Now go. I'll tell Ayesha you were feeling poorly."

My heart thundered in my chest.

I was taking an enormous risk, but I couldn't let him come here unprepared. Sacrificing my freedom, going against my husband, my fingers twisted together and I nearly fell off my seat in shock at Ayesha's entrance. She gave me a comforting smile and proceeded to prepare my bath.

I relaxed in the warm water, letting her wash my hair, my eyes closed.

Sunset was still some time away and Haleema still hadn't returned. Worry gnawed at my stomach. I had to consume the herb before the day ended if I wanted to avoid conceiving a child tonight. Haleema was smart, she'd wring the herb out of Uncle Yaqub.

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