Aveline Andruzzi 4

Start from the beginning

"He's doing better now, ma'am," he said with a smile. I nodded and sat down. He took the driver's seat and started the car. Maybe 5 minutes later Tom spoke again "Ma'am it seems there was an accident, and we'll be stuck here for some time" he said.

Great. "No problem," I said.

It usually takes us 20 minutes to arrive, but because of the accident, it took 35 minutes. I sighed and looked at my wristwatch, it was currently 8:45 a.m.

Great, I am late.

I got out of the elevator, Martha was sitting on her desk, she's literally like a mother of this company, she keeps an eye on everything that's happening, not the gossips type, but more like an auditor. She is really fucking intelligent, and sweet too.

"Hey, Martha" I gave her a little smile, which I hardly do in the office or any other place too. They are the only people who know that there is a soft side, other than the bitch facade.

Their words.

I still do not think that there is a good/soft side to me. Think? No I know there isn't.

"Hey, sweetie. You had to take an interview, remember? He's already in there." she chuckled.

Great. I totally forgot.

"I didn't but, thank you. What was the name again? " I asked.

"Zeb Arrington, he is sweet, don't scare him, yeah?" She said with a smile and rolled her eyes.

"I'll try," I said with a roll of eyes of my own and walked towards my office.

I opened the door and there he was sitting on the chair looking as lost as a puppy. He quickly stood up— startled and faced me.

Nerd. A cute one.

I walked past him towards my chair, "Quick Mr. Arrington let's get this over with, I don't have much time."

He sat on the chair in front of me. I took the file that was in front of him.

He has exceptional grades. But no real experience. I looked up at him but he was looking at his hands that were on his lap.

Generally this would be the point I'd make the decision. He showed his first and most important card, that he's nervous.

But for Aaliyah I decided to take a chance.

I cleared my throat, he looked up at me, and I got the first clear look on him.

Beneath the glasses, he has dark green eyes, the kind that sparkled in the bright light, with a cute nose, and full lips, and around them, there were light smile lines, which told me he laughs and smiles a lot. He also have beard, light but it's still there. He had wavy dark brown hair.

My eyes descend to his middle body, he had broad shoulders, he looked built. From someone else's perspective, it'd look like he's here for a bodyguard's interview rather than an assistant. It's honestly kind of amusing to see this big man blushing and stuttering, it's not a new or unusual thing I've seen many people lose their personality in front of me but coming from him it looks- a little cute. Not many people can pull off this look but he did, effortlessly.

"You have some exceptional grades here Mr. Arrington I don't get why you never had a good job. I mean you've never done, something like this have you?" I asked leaning back.

I looked at him intensely, scanning his body language, the little details that give away the real character of a person, and it's important, he's new, I don't even know him, background check is alright but it's the body language which tells you more about the person.

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