Chapter 16

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"I know what's going on. At least, I think I do..."

"(Y/n)...?" Osomatsu sounded a little more worried, "What do you mean?"

I looked up at him, meeting and holding his concerned gaze.

"I know what you and your brothers are."

I was expecting some kind of angry reaction, either shock or surprise to what I had said. Instead, he held his expression of concern.

" confusing this with what you were studying in the library? Do we need to talk about this?"

"No, Osomatsu," I dropped the title, narrowing my eyes a little in frustration, "I saw Todomatsu last night. I saw the aftermath of what he did."

The man closed his eyes and rubbed his face with his right hand, leaning back a little as he seemed to figure out what to say. Placing both hands on his hips and slightly leaning forward, he rocked on his heels for a few moments before suddenly grabbing my elbow and wheeling me towards his office. I didn't have time to stop or argue about what he was doing before he guided me into the building, swiftly closing the office door behind us.

"What th--"

"What did you see exactly, (y/n)?" He didn't move from the door, as if intending to keep me here until he got his answers. The tone Osomatsu used was unusually deep, almost threatening.

I told him everything since I first set foot in the cathedral, including the dreams that I had. His demeanor shifted throughout my confession, flowing from anger to understanding before settling on a quiet calm. Osomatsu listened to everything I had to say without interrupting me, letting me speak about everything that was bothering me, including the odd dreams that I've had since I first worked at the Cat Garden.

Finally able to breathe, I only looked at Osomatsu, watching him as he studied me.

"I'm not sure what to say..." The words were quiet in the silence.

"I just want the truth, Osomatsu...What's going on? Did you really kill my foster father?"

"The truth is very complicated, (y/n)."

"That's not an answer," I creased my eyebrows together in frustration.

"It doesn't change the fact," Osomatsu took a few steps towards me, "I don't know how, but what you saw in your dreams did happen. Todomatsu did confront Ichimatsu about his decision, and...we did kill your foster father."

The words packed more of a punch than I thought they would. To hear Osomatsu actually confess to the murder...I didn't know what I was expecting, but I didn't think I'd feel this upset.

Osomatsu's gloved hands gently grabbed my shoulders, my knees almost hitting the ground before he caught me. Without uttering a word, he carried me over to the couch and sat me down, pulling one of the chairs from in front of his desk and sitting across from me. I stayed silent as he seemed to gather his thoughts, taking in several breaths before finally speaking.

"When I heard of what he had done to you and your foster mother, I became angry. Angry that I couldn't do anything to help you, angry that this had even happened to you...angry that the church had deemed it appropriate for you to be fostered there," He held my gaze, "So, yes, I took matters into my own hands. Choromatsu and Todomatsu were equally as angry, but the blame lies solely on me for taking action."

"But...why...?" I couldn't stop my voice from trembling, "Why not let the police take care of it...?"

"They didn't act fast enough for me," Osomatsu gently reached out a hand and held my left cheek, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it, and I've already paid the consequences for my actions. I would've told you sooner, but I had no idea of how to go about I just acted like nothing had happened, and that was wrong of me to do."

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