Chapter 3

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" His Name, we pray. Amen," Todomatsu called out over the small congregation gathered in the chapel.

"Amen," the crowd echoed. As the people began to filter out of the chapel, I stayed in my seat near the back, my hands clasped together in silent prayer for the success of my job search. As I finished, I took a breath and stood up to leave the chapel, my fingers running through my unbrushed hair in an attempt to tame it from the shower earlier.

"May you find what you're looking for," I heard Todomatsu call out before I stepped through the doorway, both him and Choromatsu at the front of the now empty chapel.

"Thank you," Turning around to acknowledge his words, I nodded my head before leaving. With my banking account information tucked into my back pocket, I alerted the reception desk of what I was doing and for how long I'd be gone. I gave myself three hours to walk around the city and find somewhere to work.

The afternoon sun fought against the autumn cloud cover, the wind pulling at my hair and clothes as I walked towards where I thought would be a good place to start -- the main shopping district. I asked for any kind of job, part time or full time, regardless of the starting pay.

All of them had turned me down, possibly due to me not having any kind of communication line despite giving them the shelter's number. After hearing 'sorry but no' and seeing heads shake a negative response for two hours, I called it quits for the day with my spirits low as I wandered through the city.

Walking into a large park that was filled with laughter from children playing and light chatter from conversing adults, I dropped onto an empty bench and buried my head in my hands, fighting off the depressive thoughts that tried to invade my mind.

I'm so useless.

I felt a few drops of cold rain hit my skin, ignoring everyone else in the park who were busy retreating into some kind of cover. Tilting my head back, I closed my eyes and let the rain pour over me, not caring if I became sick from the unprotected exposure.

I didn't know how long I stayed there, but I heard someone approach me, the rain hitting their umbrella as they came closer.

"It's not healthy for a young woman such as yourself to be out here all alone in the rain," The speaker's voice labelled them as male, his voice deep and smooth, "There's a nearby café that you could warm up at."

The rain stopped hitting my skin, opening my eyes to see that the man had moved his umbrella over me. His face froze me in place.

He looked just like Osomatsu and his brothers.

He noticed my shock, and offered his free hand to me, "You've seen this face before, then."

A wave of calm washed over me as I listened to him, only nodding as I took his hand. My mind paused at my own movements.

Why was I taking this stranger's hand? Why did he look just like the others? He had to be a part of the other trio that Osomatsu and the others were separated from, right?

"It's all right. I'm not going to do anything to you," The man laughed a little as my face clearly reflected what I was thinking, "I just don't want you to get sick in this downpour. If it makes you feel more comfortable, I'll leave after you've dried off in the café."

"I...wait..." I tried to form sentences as I followed him, my hand still in his, "Are you one of Father Osomatsu's brothers?"

"Well...that's a name I haven't heard in a while," He looked down towards me, just as tall as the other three at the cathedral, "Yes, I am."

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