Chapter 6

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The morning sun poured through the sheer curtains hanging over the window next to the bed I was sleeping in, perfectly angled to shine into my eyes. Groaning a little, I sat up and looked towards the analog clock hanging over the room doorway, rolling my eyes to see that it was barely 8 a.m. An early start to a better day than yesterday...hopefully.

Ducking into the shower and dressing in my original clothes afterwards, I debated looking for work again, especially after the debacle yesterday morning.

I bit into an apple as my mind drifted to whatever had happened. There seemed to be some kind of tension between the two men that were supposed to be brothers.

'The company you keep will drag you down.'

What did Ichimatsu really mean by that?

A soft pain disrupted my thoughts as I threw out the apple core, drawing my attention to my abdomen. I steeled my nerves and went towards Sister Totoko's office, knocking on the door jamb while waiting outside the closed door.

A soft conversation inside stopped when I knocked, a moment passing before I heard the door click open. Sister Totoko opened the door as she looked down at me, seemingly surprised to see me.

"(Y/n), what can I do for you?" The door swung open wide enough for me to see Osomatsu sitting in one of the guest chairs, his head partially turned towards the door with a look I didn't know what to call on his face.

"Oh, uh...I didn't mean to interrupt," I rubbed my right forearm with my left hand, "I was just hoping that I could get information about some kind clinic...for pregnant women? Well, I want to take a test to see if...I'm pregnant or not," My voice grew softer with each word, as if ashamed by simply asking the question.

"Well, I can certainly see about procuring a pregnancy test for you," Sister Totoko looked back towards Father Osomatsu before turning back to me, "There is a clinic just down the road that is partnered with the church, if you'd like to go there instead."

"That's probably a good idea..." I look towards my feet, "Am I able to get directions there?"

"I don't mind walking you there, (y/n)," Osomatsu straightened up in his chair and turned towards me, "I was just about to head out on a walk through the city anyway."

"Could you please give me a moment to get ready? I'm not ready to head out right now," I quickly looked at him, a blush overcoming my cheeks as I shook my head.

"That's all right, just come back when you are.There are a few things that I need to finish up with Sister Totoko," He gave a soft smile in response.

I nodded and left, heading back up to my shared room and putting on my shoes while noticing the thinning soles and stretched fabric. I pursed my lips as I took a mental note to find donated shoes in my size, if the shelter even had any. Laying down on the bed in slight frustration, I closed my eyes as the reality of the situation sank in again.


Ichiro slammed the bedroom door behind him, instantly waking me up from my nap as I scrambled to figure out what was going on. The bedroom light flooded the room as his voice pierced my ears.

"I fucking knew it!" He ripped the blanket off of me, my phone clutched in his other hand, "I've dedicated three years to this relationship and you throw it away! Who is Tom?!"

"Wha--? Ichiro, what are you talking about?" I rubbed my eyes as I sat up.

"Who the fuck is Tom?!" He yelled again, stomping over to my side of the bed and stood over me with the fury of a thousand suns in his eyes.

For Those With Wings (Angel/AngelKiller!Brothers and Reader)Where stories live. Discover now