Dance Dance Infiltration

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I walked to Ruby giving her punch as we looked at everyone dancing.

Y/N: You don't wanna dance?

Ruby: No. I'll embarrass myself.

Y/N: Hehe. That makes two of us then.

Jaune walks up to us.

Jaune: Hey. You guys aren't gonna dance?

Y/N: No. It's not that I don't like to, it's that I can't.

Ruby: Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss.

Jaune: Meh, it's fine. Neptune's pretty "cool". I get why she went with him.

Ruby: What do you mean?

Jaune: Well, come on, not many people can pull off blue hair.

Jaune begins to drink his punch.

Y/N: What are you talking about? Weiss came alone.

Jaune chokes in surprise.

Jaune: (turning to me) Uh, what?

I pointed to her who is trying to coax life out of wilting flowers while she looks very upset.

Ruby: Yeah, she said that she had too much to focus on to worry about boys.

Laughter draws Weiss' attention to Sun Wukong, Blake Belladonna, and Neptune Vasilias as the latter entertains the others with some impressions and other silly faces. Jaune, shown to be observing as well, becomes visibly perturbed.

Jaune: (speaking in a low growl) Hold my punch.

He handed me his punch.

Y/N: Um...what do you think he's gonna do.

Ruby: Dunno.

I looked at his cup of punch.

Y/N: What do I do with this? He might not come back.

Ruby: Drink it? Dump it? It doesn't matter.

I looked at it before setting it on the table leaving it there.

Reiko: Hehe. Enjoying the night?

Reiko approached me with her silky black dress.

Y/N: It' After what we done, we could use it.

Reiko: (nods) Lily did almost die. She knew she couldn't win, yet she didn't allow anyone to help.

Y/N: Maybe it's a personal matter.

Reiko: Now that you said that, I did hear her say once that she never defeated her. Maybe she wants to prove that she is stronger and could beat her.

Lily: Please don't remind me. Maybe I could never truly beat her...

Lily came to us with her teal dress.

Lily: (sighs) I'm maybe just not meant to beat Skye.

Y/N: Don't talk like that. Our time never gives up. If you keep trying, you'll surpass her.

Lily: (smiles sadly) Thanks, but with her unbelievable speed and power...I doubt it. When we were little, no matter what strategy I came up with, no matter how much power I gained, I would get beat over and over again. I eventually just accepted that she was the stronger one.

Sapphire and Ryoko walked over.

Sapphire: Hey, do you see this over there? (Points to the center of the ballroom)

Reiko: Is that-

Ryoko: It is.

Lily: J-Jaune? Wearing...a dr-ess.

Ruby: Wha-? Why is he wearing a dress?

Y/N: Heheh. Ahahahah!

Pyrrha: Jaune?

Jaune: Eh, a promise is a promise.

Pyrrha: (smiling... then giggling... then laughing aloud) Jaune! You didn't have to!

Lily: Hehe.

I looked and see Weiss sitting next to Neptune.

Weiss: So, what made you change your mind?

Neptune: Huh?

Weiss: You said you were embarrassed at first. What made you come talk to me?

Neptune: You're looking at him. (they watch Jaune dancing with Pyrrha) You got some good friends looking out for ya.

Jaune and Pyrrha continue to dance. Ren and Nora do a kind of disco dance, Sun and Blake join the mix and Penny and an Atlas guard are showing doing the "robot".

Ruby walked out to get some fresh air.

Ruby: Uh...Y/N? Could you come out here?

I walked towards her to see what she wanted.

Y/N: What's up?

Ruby: What is that girl doing?

I looked up at the building to see a girl
Jumping building from building.

Y/N: I don't...know. Let's not stand here. She's probably up to something

Ruby nodded and we grabbed our scrolls to call over lockers with our weapons in them. We grabbed our weapons and headed towards the building. I looked around and saw unconscious bodies behind the bushes.

Ruby went over to call the elevator while I checked their pulse.

Y/N: They're still alive. She only knocked them out.

The elevator came down and we entered it. When it opened at the top floor, we walked out.

Y/N: Hello?

Ruby: Is-Is anyone there? (Stumbles over her heels)

The girl we saw before rose from her hiding spot and walked towards us.

Ruby: Excuse me? You know, it's not a masquerade party, so why don't you take off that-!

The girl produces a container of dust from her belt expelling a cloud that glows. Condensing into glass shards that go flying at us. I jumped in front of her and blocked the glass shards from hitting Ruby. Ruby shoots bullets at her, but she blocked each shot with her hand. Ruby launched towards her, but again the girl dodged. I ran and slashed with my blade. She ducks and jumps back. She shot three arrows at one with her bow covered in fire. I used my semblance and my eyes glowed a very faint red as I blocked them with my fire semblance. We all were blown back by the explosion our fire attacks made. My eyes turned back to silver and we heard the elevator open. We turned to see the general. We looked back to see the girl is gone.
End of chapter

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