| Chapter •1• |

Start from the beginning

She didn't even flinch once when Fyzire shot him. Not even blinked when he shot him right at his heart. She was blank, it didn't effect her, his pain didn't matter to her at all. Little did she know, he died even before he was shot when he saw her passing the gun to Fyzire secretly. His heart was killed then and there. The amount of pain he felt that time was unexplainable. He had died already.

Still, for the last time, he offered her his bleeding heart to her again. Even with so much blood rushing out, he stretched out his palm, ignoring the heavy gush of pain enveloping his existence. He hoped she'd come to him for the last time, she'd hold his hand for the last time, she'd embrace him when he'd breathe his last breath.

But she crushed his already broken heart.

The bullet hole in his heart wasn't bleeding so much as to he was bleeding internally with the pain. Pain of realisation, that the women he loved so much insanely didn't love him. She abandoned him. She didn't even sympathize with his dying situation. She left him to die. The pain was so much. The betrayal was so much. That death actually felt peaceful to him. He closed his eyes with a smile on his face, wanting to leave this world full of pain and miseries. He couldn't tolerate more. He have had enough. He was crushed along with his heart, hopes, dreams,...


He still remembers the struggle, when he uttered love you to her in his last breaths. Even taking breath was painful but he still chose to confess his love, hoping she would come to him, would cradle him close to her chest. But she stabbed his bleeding heart again and again by her blank eyes. The uncaring aura shook his whole existence. He lost his will of life.

He lost his everything. Along with his dead heart, even he was dying. He just wanted to let go of the pain at that moment. He wanted to be free of everything. A death of a already dead person wasn't much of a issue. And afterall who cared for the insane lover. He didn't matter to anyone. Nobody loved him.

He remembered the way he yearned for a mere glances, the way he longed for her, died for her every moment, when she went far. When she went to someone else's arms. When she became someone else's. When she became Fyzire's.

And when she chose him over his life.

Yes he had hurt her irreparably. Yes he deserved the punishments and pain but the betrayal? Was he that bad? Was he so undeserving? Was his love wasn't enough that she never acknowledged it? Was his repentance, his regret, his guilt, his pain was nothing?

Was he so unlovable that the woman he loved so crazily chose to kill him without a hesitance? Did his life mean nothing to her? Did she never loved him? Maybe his sins were so big. Maybe he deserved everything. Yes, he truly deserved all the pain. He was so unworthy, unwanted, unlovable afterall. He was a peice of shit. Who means nothing but trash. He deserved to die.

"Shhhhhhh.. I've got you." A sweet voice cooed softly, while wiping the never ending tears away from his cheeks. He didn't realize he had started breathing heavily. His body was shivering with the intolerable pain consuming him. He could not bear it. He just couldn't.

"Sushhhhh. Don't cry. Don't cry Erealm." She again said, making him clench his eyes painfully. Who was she? Confusions marred his brain cells but the pain was too much to focus on anything else. He felt he would lose his conscious. Black spots started appearing behind his eyes. He felt the soft touch in his hairs again, and it soothed him magically. He gulped deep breaths to swallow the pain. Both emotional and physical pain was too much for his fragile state.

Soft hands caressed his cheeks, wiping the tears which kept falling and she kept consoling the broken man in front of him. Her heart was clenching in pain continuously to see his devastated state. She couldn't see him in pain. She just couldn't. Tears kept falling from her own eyes but she cared less about it. She just cared about the broken man crying in front of her.

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