| Chapter •1• |

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Note : Not the whole story will be in third person pov. Only when needed. A few chaps.


"Love breaks, love heals."



He slowly moved his little finger of his right hand, feeling pain surging through his entire body. His body was drained to the point of brink. Energy less, was the first feeling he got, followed by breath stopping pain all over. He focussed his little left energy to open his eyelids.

Mayun immediately sat up straight, seeing the eyelashes fluttering ever so slightly. Her heart quickened it's pace just by the thought of looking at his eyes. The eyes, which she dreamt to see almost everyday in these three months, of this beautiful man lying on the bed with pale expressions.

She prayed with her heart that this isn't going to be one of his nightmares where he'd shout in pain, screaming to not hurt him, pleading to some fiery angel. She felt chills just at the thought of that. How excited she was when she had heard his whisper for the first time after one month of complete motionless existence of his. She was ecastic to finally see him awake.

But to her horror, he just whispered the name, Eve, with immense agony, which turned into screams soon after, and then again he went back to his motionlessness state. How heartbroken she felt all those nights, when his voice was there, his pain was there, but she could do nothing except consoling him silently with her caresses, and watch him being close yet so far from her, from the reality. How she felt her heart churn at his agonised whimpers, but she was helpless, and utterly heartbroken to see him in so much pain even in his unconscious form.

Her breath hitched at once, when he slowly lifted his long eyelashes, and she was the world's most alluring pair of blue eyes. She lost her heart to him once again. So beautiful. Yet so troubled. She slowly stretched out her hand and they soon disappeared in his soft hairs.

Mayun smiled with tears after finally seeing the eyes of her beloved. The eyes she was yearning to see since forever in these three months. She ruffled her hairs softly, trying to soothe him, for she knew, he has immense pain filled inside him. And she also knew, she is going to remove each one of them and fill his life and heart with love, just love. Her love.

"Who are you?" She heard a raspy, soft whisper from the fragile man laying down in front of her with his glassy eyes boring into hers. Instead of replying, Mayun silently reached for the glass of water and gently helped him up and took the rim in front of his lips. He looked at her uncertainly, but she blinked her eyes at him, which somehow assured him and he silently sipped the whole glass.

His eyes turned teary, and tears started to pour down as soon as everything flashed in front of his eyes. As she helped him to lay down again, he felt his body quiver with the pain, and betrayal he got from everyone whom he thought of his own. He felt lifeless, soulless, and shattered. Emotions hit him at once, when he relived what his angel did to him. But was she really his angel?


She was Fyzire's. Not his. She was Mrs Rhoterez, not his angel whom he loved. Not the soft hearted women who was his first kiss. She wasn't the his Eve, who couldn't see him in pain. She was Mrs Rhoterez, who ruthlessly killed him. She wasn't his troublemaker fiery angel anymore. She was the one who mercilessly ignored his love filled eyes, his pleadings, his begging, his repentance and nail to the coffin who without a second thought passed the gun to Fyzire knowing well he'd kill him.

His Fragile Heart. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz