Chapter 1

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The sound of busy streets. Feet stomping, indecipherable chatter, car horns. None of these could deafen the sound of your heart pounding in your chest, anxiety swarming your head as you walked through the busy streets of Korea.

Your pace slowed to a stop, your hand shielding your eyes from the bright sun as you looked up at the huge building before you. You...BTS' new in the hell did you pull that one off...

Your thoughts were interrupted by the doors in front of you swinging open. You jumped back slightly. A seemingly important employee stepped out, calling your name. Your heart pumped out of your chest as you mustered an answer "Y-yeah that's me!"

He motioned you to follow and disappeared back into the building. Forcing your feet to move, you followed, and took a deep breath before stepping through those doors. You squinted as your eyes adjusted to the new lighting. As your eyes came into focus, you saw the man take a corner up some stairs, and you quickly managed to catch up.

"This is where you'll be working when we aren't on the move. The studio is over there, lunch room down that way, and lounge that way." He spoke quickly as he pointed down hallways and continued walking. Turning another corner he spoke again "And this is where you will work on the boys. Your station is in the left corner. Go meet them and get to work, they have a photoshoot later today." He gestured through the door and then swiftly went on his way.

You stopped. Taking in a deep breath before entering the room. Anxiety enveloping you like a blanket you couldn't escape. Then you saw them.

BTS. All seven boys, lounging around in front of you. Some leaning against the wall, some in seats, some standing around, all chattering amongst themselves.

You took a few more steps toward them, then stopped. Your hand gripping a case filled with your necessities for work, turning your knuckles white. The other hand tugging on the hem of your shirt as you shifted your weight for one foot to the other.

RM finally noticed you there and glanced up, sending a wave of chills down your spine. "Oh hey, you're the new stylist right?" He questioned you, earning you the gaze of all the other members.

You looked at all of their expectant faces, then back to the ground. Oh God. Okay you can do this. "Y-yes Sir, that's me." You answered, not even knowing what to refer to them as. They were indeed your bosses, but it felt weird calling them that after watching them and listening to their music for years.

RM chuckled "You don't have to call any of us sir." Well that answers that. "What's your name again?"

You stuttered again when telling them all your name, resulting in a grin from multiple of them. They all said hello to you with smiles, soothing your nerves ever so slightly.

"Uhm, well I suppose I'm gonna go set up my stuff, and then I'll come get one of you to work on." You forced out of your reluctant mouth. As you began walking towards your station, legs shaking, you could feel their eyes following you.

Your station was through walkway into a connected room with professional lighting. Their outfits were on hangers on a rolling rack against the wall. In the corner, was a large table in front of a mirror. You scooted back the chair in front of it and began to open your case and set out all your stuff. Makeup and hair products quickly covered the desk into organized sections.

You stood silently, looking at your new work station and pondering. You were pretty dang sure that they had never had an American stylist, and why now? Why you?

You shook the thoughts away, and decided to just thank God later. After all, you had work to do. You got set on doing RM first, since he had greeted you, and you knew he had perfect English. Maybe he could calm your nerves before the others were to be done, but that was unlikely.

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