Chapter 7

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As you packed up the last of your stuff, you heard the van pull up outside. You didn't bring very much with you when you moved so you only had a couple tubs full of stuff to carry to the van. You limped over to a tub to pick it up, wincing with every step. Jungkook grabbed your hips and spun you before you picked it up. His soft lips placed a small kiss onto your forehead, then your nose, then your lips. He smiled brightly, and picked up the tub you were reaching for.

"Hey, I was gonna take that one!"

"No, you will sit in the van, I will carry them." He stacked 2 more ontop of the first and began walking out the door. You went to grab one anyways and he turned to glare at you, sending shivers down your spine.

"I said no."

You sighed and left the tub there, following after him to the van. You opened the door and he slid the tubs in. He then gripped your hips and lifted you into your seat. You giggled at the cuteness of him taking care of you. "Thank you." You smiled.

"Anything for you."

He made your heart feel full and warm. You watched him walk back into your building, then come out with the last 3 tubs. He smiled proudly as he packed them in and then sat in his seat, telling the driver to take you both home.

Upon arriving, you saw Jimin and Taehyung excitedly come out of the house to help carry your stuff inside. While walking into the house, Jimin saw you limping "Why are you limping? Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah I'm okay. I -uh- fell when I was packing and hurt my hip." You smiled, hoping to convince them. Both Jimin and Taehyung looked at you for a second, then seemingly believed it and continued walking. Jungkook looked at you and chuckled as he walked inside. You rolled your eyes. Jerk.

The other boys greeted you when you entered the house, and you were ushered to a spare room they had where they then set your boxes. You thanked them for carrying it for you, and began unpacking your stuff.

After you had finished, you didn't know quite what to do until dinner, so you decided to go see Jungkook in his room. You softly walked down the hall, and gently knocked on his door.

"Eh?" He called from the other door to see who it was.

"It's me." Your soft voice made it's way through the door and to his ears. You heard him quickly get out of his chair, knocking something over in the process, and the door then swung open. You were met with a casually dressed Jungkook, his headset around his neck, telling you he was doing something on his computer, probably gaming. He leaned against the door frame while he waited for you to say what you wanted.

"Uhm, I finished unpacking." He just looked down at you as if he was waiting for you to say more. "I didn't have anything else to can I hangout with you?" Your voice was a small whisper as you asked for his attention.

He smiled and moved aside, gesturing you in. You smiled back and shuffled your feet until you were sitting on the edge of his bed, legs crossed with hands in your lap. He shut the door, and sat back at his desk. "I was playing games, I can stop." He went to turn it off. "No, it's okay! I just didn't want to be alone in my room." You explained, recieving a small grin. He put his headphones back over his ears, one slightly off so he could hear if you talked.

You sat and watched him, his focused face making you chuckle as he played. "Cutie." You mumbled to yourself.

"You're the cute one." His eyes didn't leave his game.

Your cheeks turned a light pink. "I'm not cute..."

"You say cutely."

You frowned, only proving his point with whatever you said. You saw a smirk cover his face. "Whatever." You rolled your eyes and began scrolling through Instagram on your phone.

New Stylist - Jungkook X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें