1.1| Coming home

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"The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave and it even feels even better coming back."


Devlin sighed in the cab exhausted waiting patiently to reach his destination. It had been a long drive from the airport to his hometown plus the added hours in the plane.

He really craved a warm bath and a decent sleep at that moment but knowing that his mother was at home, he would probably hit the sack after midnight or even get little to no sleep because of her ambiguous stories and curious questions.

He missed his mum a lot. They had talked on the phone occasionally since he knew his mom was lonely after his dad passed away seven years ago. But he had to work. Working in the Army had been his dream since he was a kid, therefore after collage, he applied and was accepted and he's been there since.

Now he was coming home.

Devlin looked through the tinted window of the cab at the familiar buildings that had not changed since five years ago that he had been around. Five years.

Some people that Devlin knew and some that were unfamiliar to him, were busy doing their daily businesses. Different facial expressions mirrored on their faces.

His mind quickly drifted to his best friend, Kevin, the main reason why he was back home.

The son of a bitch was getting married. He grinned.

The news about his friend's wedding was a surprise to him. Never in his life had he imagined that Kevin would one day want to settle down and have a family. The man was always busy solving cases in his law firm, with little to no time on socialising. 'Making money while fighting for the rights of others' that's what he called his job.

He almost choked on his lunch the day Kevin called him and told him or rather shocked him with the news.

"You must come for the wedding Dev, i have no other friend that can be my best man. You must walk me down the isle and help me wait for my bride." Kevin begged over the phone

"As romantic as that sounds, I don't think so Kevin, i am really busy, and i am sure you have many friends with that smart mouth of yours that can't wait to be your best man." Devlin said, not interested in going back home.

"Come on, man! Do this for the sake of our friendship. You know how far we've come from together... Remember the day Rebecca almost chopped off your head for calling her a slut, and i had to date her for a week to save your ass!" Kevin exclaimed

"Okay, okay. I'll be there. Jeez. No need for the speech down memory lane." Devlin sighed. "Just tell me when i am needed and I'll try and get a leave of absence."

"You've never taken any leave of absence Dev, am sure they won't mind even if you are away for a year." Kevin teased

"Get off my phone you sucker, and send me the dates as soon as you can. Bye!" Devlin disconnected the call and continued eating his now cold lunch.

After he was granted permission by his bosses, Devlin took the next plane home. He had not called his mom to pick him from the airport since he wanted to surprise her and his friend who he figured was probably too busy with work at that time.

The cab stopped at the front of his parent's home and Devlin paid for the ride and quickly took his luggage from the boot. He did not carry much, just some few clothes and shoes knowing that he would be back at the barracks just after the wedding.

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