Midoriya and Uraraka looked at her then nodded, "Right!"


The next few matches had passed by, and eventually it was the fourth match; Todoroki and Yaoyorozu against Aizawa. The two of them started to walk towards the gate, Yaoyorozu continuously making Russian nesting dolls as an indicator to see if Aizawa was near and using his quirk on them, though with that plan Aizawa had managed to catch them by surprise.

Come on, remember what I taught you! Kokoro thought, and slowly pride swelled up in her as Todoroki sent a well aimed kick towards Aizawa, though Yaoyorozu turned and ran, most likely to find where the gate.

Eventually Aizawa managed to tie Todoroki up and go after Yaoyorozu.

Kokoro had been observing the students throughout the time she had been there, and so far she had noticed that Yaoyorozu lacked confidence, especially after her defeat during the Sports Festival. She was a smart girl, all she needed was the confidence to execute the plans.

Yaoyorozu used some flash grenades she had hidden in some of the Russian Nesting dolls and blinded Aizawa temporarily as she slowly lowered Todoroki. The two of them ran off to come up with a plan.

They eventually passed the final by creating a material similar to Aizawa's scarf and heating it up by using Todoroki's fire once it was around Aizawa, effectively trapping him and cuffing him. They had passed their exam.

"My my, turns out that man's a big softie after all." Chiyo said.

Kokoro chuckled, "You've got that right. He was definitely going a bit easier to help Yaoyorozu gain some of her confidence back."

A few more matches passed and the next one started. Kokoro already knew that this match was a total lost cause. It was Nezu against Ashido and Kaminari. Nezu used a crane to block pathways. Eventually their time ran out and they failed the exam. Something about that mouse made Kokoro uneasy. She knew he was a good guy and insanely intelligent because of his quirk but there had to be some screws loose.

Behind her, the door opened and Uraraka stepped inside the monitor room. "What? Mina's team lost their battle?"

"Yes." Yaoyorozu, who had joined them after her match, said. "The principal's game plan was flawless; they just couldn't beat him."

"That's terrible. Oh man, they must be crushed."

"But you passed. Congratulations." Iida, who had also joined them, said.

"Thanks, you too, Iida."

"Ochaco. What were you and Aoyama talking about right before the end of your match against Thirteen?" Tsuyu, who had also joined after her match, asked.

"Uh— oh, well..."

Kokoro watched as her student's face turned red and she freaked out. The two of them had totally talked about something- by Uraraka's expression Kokoro assumed it was something about a crush.

The next match was Hizashi against Jiro and Koda. By using his voice quirk, Hizashi continually held the two of them at bay, though Kokoro didn't expect them to get by him, Koda managed to use his quirk on some bugs and totally freak Hizashi out. She had seen him freak when there was a spider on his keyboard, but she didn't expect him to be taken down so easily because bugs were crawling around him. The two of them managed to pass through the gate and pass the exam. She'd have to keep that in mind for the future.

Eventually it was the last match of the exams, Midoriya and Bakugo against All Might.

The match started as Kokoro had expected it to. Bakugo went on ahead and the two of them separated. They had weakened themselves before they had even spotted All Might.

All Might didn't hold back one bit and aimed a stream of air and destruction caused by a punch straight towards the two students— it seemed as if he had fully submerged himself in the role of a villain.

Bakugo jumped and tried to attack all Might, only to have his face grabbed by All Might. Though even after being caught, he set of multiple explosions in All Might's face. Though the Number 1 hero wasn't effected by the attacks and just flipped Bakugo down onto the ground.

He turned around and looked at Midoriya, appearing behind him after a split second. Upon instinct Midoriya jumped back, but he failed to see Bakugo coming towards the two of them and Kokoro watched on the screens as the two collided with each other.

Eventually All Might had pinned Midoriya to the ground using a steel fence and kept pushing Bakugo away with ease. The match drawled on as the two of them seemed to be at a disadvantage until Midoriya got out form under his confines and grabbed Bakugo, the two of them running into a nearby alleyway and away from All Might.

Eventually the two of them managed to get through the gate by attacking All Might and Temporarily brining him down and allowing them to run straight towards the gate. But before they could get through it All Might had recovered and caught up to them.

He pinned both of them to the ground by stepping on him. Bakugo managed to set off a large explosion to distract All Might and loosen his footing on the two of them and send him flying through the air, as well as create a cloud of smoke. The only thing Kokoro was able to see was Midoriya flying out of the smoke.

All Might had managed to get back to the ground and pin Bakugo down, causing Midoriya to turn back for him. He managed to put All Might off balance and grab Bakugo, allowing both of them to get through the gate and pass the exam.

Kokoro smiled and turned around, walking out of the room. Everyone had completed their finals and it was time for celebration.


Kokoro walked towards the room everyone was recuperating in, well almost everyone. Midoriya and Bakugo had to go to recovery girl to get their injuries healed.

She opened the door and smiled as all the students looked to see her. "Congratulations on completing your finals everyone!" She exclaimed.

"Ms. Kowareta!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"You all have gone through four days of finals, and for that you all deserve a treat! So here's some homemade Mochi!" She set down a chilled plate she had been carrying onto one of the tables, revealing a variety of different colored mochi.

"Homemade? Did you really make all of this Ms. Kowareta? Ribbit." Tsuyu asked, walking up to the plate.

"Sure did! Nothing tastes better than some homemade treats, don't you think? There's more than enough for everyone so eat up!"

"These are so good!" Uraraka exclaimed as she took a bit of a strawberry flavored one.

"Totally!" Mina agreed.

"Aw man, you're the best Ms. Kowareta!" Kaminari said.

Everyone in the class nodded their head and Kokoro let out a small laugh. Even if they were heroes in training, these students were still kids, they deserved to have some times where they can just enjoy themselves instead of stressing about the next heroics battle or the next test.

As she watched the enjoy the mochi and talk, Kokoro's mind went back to the day she was freed, and to one specific term she agreed on. She was going to protect these kids, even if it meant putting her life on the line.

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