Chapter 4

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Haha! We did it!!

She jolted awake to find that her parents were in her room, trying to shake her awake.

She recalled the horrors of her dream: Adrien dying in front of her, the miraculous ladybugs failing to bring him back, the crushing hopeless feeling she got after she lost him.

Marinette took one look at her parents sorrowful eyes before launching into their arms.

Her mother rubbed soothing circles on her back and her father sang a calming lullaby. Within minutes, they had Marinette from full on hysterics to tiny hiccups.

"Was it the nightmare again, sweetie?" Sabine asked.

Marinette didn't have the strength to answer, she merely nodded her head.

"I'm so sorry sweetie. I wish I knew what to do."

"This is enough, mom." Marinette replied. "I'm sorry I woke you up."

"Marinette, don't ever be sorry for that," Tom said. "It's what we're here for. We are your parents after all."

She squeezed her parents tighter. "Thank you."

"We love you, Marinette. And when you are ready to talk we are here for you." Tom furrowed his brow.

Marinette knew her parents wanted to know what it was that plagued her dreams. They knew that it had something to do with the day they took down Hawkmoth, but she couldn't voice how much the dream actually scared her. It hit too close to what really happened that day. She felt like she was close to being able to tell them what was haunting her, but her just wasn't ready for that yet. She opened her mouth to explain to her parents, but was cut off by her mom raising her hand in the air. "Marinette if you aren't ready, you aren't ready. We aren't going to push you on this."

Tears started to fill the corners of her eyes again, but she choked them back. Marinette was truly blessed to have such wonderful parents. "I love you guys." She hugged her parents once again, but even there love and comfort wouldn't be enough to get her to go back to sleep tonight. And it was a school night, so she desperately needed sleep so she wouldn't be even later than normal. "I know it's late, but he always keeps his window open, so can I go see him?"

Her parents shared a knowing look together and sighed. They knew what it was like to be in love, and they also knew the comfort being around your loved one could bring after a tragic event. Tom and Sabine knew almost better than anyone, as would any former Ladybug and Chat Noir.

Sabine placed a hand on her daughter's leg. "Of course you can go see him. Although, I suspect you would have gone regardless, so how about we just go ahead and say that anytime you need to see him: don't ask, just go."

"Really?!" Marinette's eyes were as wide as saucers. "Wow, okay. You guys really are the best." She hugged her parents once more, just to make sure they understood how grateful she was before saying the magic words. "Tikki! Spots on!"

Marinette didn't hesitate as she jumped out to the balcony and swung away into the Parisian night.

Tom placed a hand on his chest as he was filled with nostalgia. What are the odds his daughter would be his successor? He smiled at all the memories of his poor attempts to gain Sabine's affection, countless nights on patrol, and fighting crime. He also knew the huge responsibility his daughter carried on her shoulders, but Tom believed in Marinette. He knew she would do whatever it takes to protect the city; she was by far the best Ladybug he had ever seen.

Marinette wasted no time swinging across the city. She had done this many times over the past few months, she knew the fastest way to the Agreste Mansion by heart. She flew through the city, eager to see Adrien, even though she had just seen him at school this afternoon. She knew the pain of losing him all too well and Marinette wouldn't take his presence in her life for granted any longer.

When Marinette arrived, she quickly detransformed. Adrien sat up and wiped his eyes groggily. "Mari? Is that you?"

"Yeah," she said somewhat shyly, "Sorry about the late hour, but I had the nightmare again. The one where you were gone." She bit her lip, trying to hold back tears once again. "And I just needed to see you."

Adrien gave her a small smile and gestured to the open side of the bed. Marinette climbed in right beside him and immediately snuggled right into his side.

He was here. This was real. He was alive and breathing.

Adrien wrapped his arms around his lady. "I'll always be right here."

"Adrien?" Marinette asked as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.


"I don't know what I would do without you." She had never said anything more true in her life. Marinette pressed her face into his chest, taking in his scent and counting his breaths. She was so lucky the stunt she pulled with the miraculous ladybugs worked. Tikki gave her the worst scolding she had ever received in her life afterwards, but she was so thankful Adrien was alive she didn't even care.

She knew that was why the dreams bothered her so much. The dreams showed her what could have gone wrong if she wasn't as strong of a miraculous user. Or, at least, that is what Master Fu told her. He explained that the stronger you were, the stronger your powers were. If she wasn't as "powerful" as she was, Adrien would have died that day, and it would have been her fault. But if she was really that powerful, she would have been able to stop Hawkmoth before he hurt Chat.

She snuggled further into Adrien's chest, just savoring that he was even there at all. He rubbed her back, and as if he was reading her mind, he said to her. "Hey, hey hey. Mari, look at me." He tilted her chin up to make her meet his eyes. "It was my choice. And I don't regret it. I would do it again too. I would rather die than see you get hurt because I love you."

"Adrien, I don't deserve you."

Adrien's eyes shot open. "Mari, please don't ever say that. We deserve this. We deserve each other. We deserve a happy ending. Don't forget that you saved me, Mari. I am alive because of you." He hugged her tight. "It was just a dream. I am here, and I will always be here."

The tears Marinette had been holding back all night finally broke through. "Thank you, Adrien. For understanding and for loving me despite my mess. I meant it earlier. I really don't know what I would do without you."

He ran his fingers through her hair, "Anytime, Princess. Anytime." He stifled a yawn as he looked at the clock. "Well, as much as I love these late night convos. It is 2:46, and we do have school tomorrow. So how about some shut eye?"

Adrien had said it in such a way, Marinette knew that even though he was tired, if she still needed to talk he would stay up for her. That showed her that he truly did love her more than words ever would. And fortunately for him, he had already put her demons to rest.

Marinette smiled to herself. "Okay, good night Adrien.

"Good night, Mari." He kissed her forehead once more.

"I love you."
"I love you too."

Marinette fell asleep to the sound of Adrien's healthy, steady heartbeat; it was the soundest she had slept in a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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