The Moment Everything Fell Apart: Part 1

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Hi! This is the author here. I would just like to say I do not own any of the characters, all rights go to the ZAG studios and Thomas Astruc. I merely like to write with their character because I love them haha. Anyways, I suppose I should let you read the story now. I hope you enjoy it!

Ladybug pried her eyes open after taking an especially hard hit from Hawkmoth. She still couldn't believe that he was actually Gabriel Agreste, and to think that she was so close to figuring out his identity years ago. She wondered how Adrien was handling it. A secret that big has got to rattle a person. Ladybug couldn't help but admire him for his bravery and wit. How many people would bother to leak a note exposing their father's evil activities. She was extremely glad Chat Noir was around when Adrien had finished the note. Even though now she could barely open her eyes let alone fight a villian.

Ladybug gritted her teeth, they were so close to finishing it once and for all, she could push through this. The miraculous ladybugs would heal her anyways, she just needed to get through these next few minutes. Ladybug took a deep, steadying breath and forced herself to open her eyes and stand up. She looked around to see where Chat was so she could join the fight again.

There. By the Eiffel Tower. "I'm coming, Kitty," she whispered with determination. They couldn't be more than 200 feet away, she could easily run over there in ten seconds.

And so she took off. She was barely ten feet from where she started, but she was already winded. She shook it off and pumped her arms harder. Wait, her bare arms. She stopped completely. Ladybug, no Marinette, looked down at herself. She was wearing flats and jeans.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no." She patted herself down. Where was her suit? Where was Tikki?! "Tikki? Tikki!" She limped back to where she woke up. "Tikki?"

"Marinette?" her kwami called in a weak voice.

Where is she where is she where is


Marinette kneeled down next to her kwami. "Tikki. I-"

"Marinette there's no time! I'm too weak to help in the fight. We need to retreat."

"But Hawkmoth is right there!"

"Marinette," her kwami pleaded, "We can't help. People have seen your detransformation. It's best if we come back another day when it can be a fair fight."

Marinette picked up her friend, "You're right, Tikki. There's no way we can win and I can't risk losing you." She turned back to where Chat was fighting Hawkmoth. "But first, I need to help my partner." She set Tikki where she would be safe. Then, she made her plan.

If she could sneak around the back and hide behind one of the legs of the tower, she could cause a distraction and give Chat enough time to disable Hawkmoth. It wasn't the perfect plan but it was better than nothing.

Marinette took off, running as fast as her beat-up body would allow her, and she squatted under the Tower. "Okay, phase one: complete. Now I just need to think of a distraction." She tapped her chin. Aha! Of course.

At this point Hawkmoth had cornered Chat against the leg opposite to her and began his speech of gloating and supposed victory. "Did you really think you could take me on, one-on-one, and walk away from this Chat Noir?" Hawkmoth spread his arms and gestured to the area around them. "Ladybug has abandoned you. She left you while she went to go lick her own wounds, leaving you as good as dead. It's hopeless for you. You cannot win. Surrender your miraculous, and I will spare you."

Chat Noir spat at Hawkmoth's feet. "I will never give in. Ladybug will be back. And when she gets here, whether she comes back today or next week, we will take your miraculous, Gabriel Agreste."

Hawkmoth didn't even blink at the revelation of what Chat knew, he merely chuckled darkly. "Oh, no. You have figured out my secret identity. It must be the end of the world." He tapped his chin, mocking Chat with every movement. "I wonder if Ladybug still would have bailed on you if she knew who you were, Adrien."

Adrien's eyes widened and he staggered back until he was flat against the Eiffel Tower.

Marinette slapped a hand over her mouth to keep her from making any noise. Adrien. She has been fighting side-by-side with the love of her life for years and rejected him multiple times! This is a DISASTER!

"What? You-you knew?" He whispered in disbelief.

Hawkmoth only laughed horribly again. "Did you take me for a fool, child? Of course I knew. It took me a few years to really convince myself it was you after the Gorzilla incident. Now, son. Let's talk. I'll give you your miraculous back, eventually. I just need it to make the wish."

"What wish?"

"Well, when you merge the miracu-"

"I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE CAT AND LADYBUG MIRACULOUS ARE MERGED, FATHER." Chat spat the last word like a curse. "I meant, what is your wish"
"Dear Adrien, I was so sure you knew by now. I would use the wish to bring back your mother."

Chat stared at his father, his mouth was agape.

"No cheers of celebration then, son?" Hawkmoth scoffed, "I thought you would be happy, you are going to get your mother back. Just give me your miraculous, Adrien, and I will be one step closer. Or," Hawkmoth's face twisted into a cruel smile. "I will let you keep your miraculous and you can get Ladybug's from her, then you can deliver both to me at once."

Chat didn't respond to his father. Instead, his eyes drifted from Hawkmoth to where Marinette was hiding. She could see his lips form a word. "No." She couldn't tell if he was talking to Hawkmoth or to her.

"I have given you every chance to join me. I will only ask you one more time. Look around, son! She isn't coming back. Ladybug has left you. Join me, Adrien, or face the consequences!"

"Clearly, you underestimate me, Hawkmoth." Marinette said from her hiding spot.

Hawkmoth sputtered, "Ladybug?"

"In the flesh. Now, leave my partner alone. And go ahead and surrender your miraculous while you're at it."

"Don't be so naive, Ladybug. Come out from wherever you're hiding and face me."

Marinette sent up a prayer to whatever god that would listen. "Let Chat understand what I'm about to do." And she stepped out from behind the tower.

"Here I am." She looked Hawkmoth dead in the eye. "Do your worst."

lol it's me again. This story is complete, but I wanted it to be around three parts. I decided I would release the other parts weekly. I'll update again next Saturday, that gives me plenty of time to go back and edit and revise if I need to. So I'll see y'all next Saturday!

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