As they catch up, the doorbell rings again and I go to open it. Before I open the door though, I take a deep breath. I can do this, I thought. I open the door to see Caleb and the same women from the store behind him.

He looks over me and when he's done examining my features, he smiles and takes me into his arms. "I missed you, I'm so happy I get to see you after all these years." He whispers in my ear.

I hug him back and smile into his neck, I feel the same comfort I used to have around him. It was the same Caleb I grew up with and loved. My eyes drift up to the woman behind him and she stares back at me enviously.

Her short blonde hair was straightened with a slight curve at the ends. She had hazel eyes that glared up at me. I was taller than her, she was probably around 5'1 and im around 5'5

We pull back but not entirely, he still keeps his hands on my arms. We stare at each other until we hear someone clearing their throat behind us. He looks behind him and lets my arms go.

"Juliana, this is.." he starts but drifts off almost like he forgot who she was.

"April, his fiancé." She smiles tightly and grabs his hand and wraps it around herself.

Fiancé. I look to the side sadly but smile at her. Caleb nods and looks back to me.

"Well, let's go inside, dinners ready." I close the door and lead us to the kitchen.

Veronica and my mom stopped talking as they see us. Rome and Milana were already eating lasagna at the table.

"Hi mom" Caleb says to his mom and hugs her. "Hey Ms. King" April smiles and  hugs her too.

Then they hug my mom and Caleb introduces April. Caleb sees Rome and Milana and look up to me.

"This is Rome and Milana. Babies, say hi to Caleb and April." I tell them.

Calebs eyes flash with sympathy as he looks back up to me but quickly grins down at the twins. "Hey guys, I'm Caleb and this is April." He says.

They wave with their dirty lasagna hands and I grab a napkin, wiping their face and hands. "These are" April asks with a certain tone I didn't like. 

"Yeah they're two years old. They're cute, huh?" I smile.

Everyone stares at her so she quickly nods and smiles. "Here are two plates of lasagna." my mom smiles and hands them the food.

We all sit down at the dining table, "So how did you guys meet?" my mom asks Caleb and April.

April gushes excitedly but Caleb continues to stare at me. "My brother and I helped him. We found him hurt so I told my brother, Sam, to help me get him inside. So we let him stay and the next morning we were talking and I knew we both liked each other so I grabbed his number and drove him home."

(Chapter 44,47 in the first book, has some info of what happened between April and Caleb if you don't remember.)

"Oh, why were you hurt, what happened?" My mom asks concerned.

"oh, I tripped pretty badly and scraped my knees and elbow." Caleb shrugs it off.

We talked about ourselves the whole night and came to know each other a little more better. At the end, April wasn't such a bitch, I mean she is, but that's only when Caleb and I are talking or something.

It's sad, really. She shouldn't be like that, she finds out Caleb and I grew up together and became best friends. All she knows, is that we were friends, you shouldn't be jealous about that. She kinda reminds me of Jaxon, and that's not good.

I really don't want Caleb to have to deal with her jealous, possessive, bullshit. It sucks and they'll just end up arguing all the time and hating each other at the end.

To be honest, I don't think she's good for Caleb. He can find way better, maybe a really nice girl I can be friends with. April so far, isn't nice at all. She obviously doesn't like me.

I look over at the couple, to see Caleb staring at me. As he notices me catch him, he smiles and starts to walk towards me. Our dinner was coming to an end so now we're going to say goodbye soon.

"I wanted to say, I'm glad I got to see you again. I missed you, and I'm sorry for everything. I'm so sorry I couldn't help you earlier." he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to be sorry, I'm just glad I'm here now with my family, including you. I'm happy you got to meet Rome and Milana, they really liked you." I smile.

He grins, "Yea I like them too, can I ask you something? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, it's okay. Are- are they Jaxons too?" he asks a little unsurely

I look down, "Yeah, they are." I can feel him staring at me and he sighs. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm here now, if you need anything." He whispers. He kisses my cheek, "I love you." Then he smiles and walks to his mom to say bye.

I wipe my tears and stare at his retreating back. April steps into my vision with a hard glare pointed at me, "I don't know what you think you're doing, but you better not ruin my engagement. Keep you and your kids away from us." She spits and walks towards Caleb.

They leave after saying goodbye and my mom walks up to me. "Well, that was alright. I'm actually glad I got to see and talk to Veronica again, I kinda missed her." she says

She smiles and walks away, to get ready for bed. I didn't want to say anything to ruin her night so I said goodnight and grabbed sleeping Rome and Milana then drove back home.


June 9, 5:30 pm

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