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I had bad writers block my bad 

Tiana and Hakeem had a great week with the kids although him and Tiana did not really bond since Tiana was keeping her distance after that dream she had. She felt guilty because that dream was very inappropriate. They were both more focused on having a great time with the kids then on bonding themselves. Tiana know she has a great boyfriend and she can't just be out here having fantasies about her ex. Since their break is over they started filming again. 

Tiana is walking to her trailer to go change into new clothes before she has to go to hair and makeup for her scene but someone calls out to her.

"Hey Tiana," A voice says to her so she turns around and she sees Nicole Williams. Nicole was the girl who was suppose to play Cookie but then got fired.

"Nicole what are you doing here?" Tiana asks her. Since she isn't apart of the movie anymore why is she here.

"I got a new small role on the movie." She says. Nicole decided to ask for a new role since they promised her a role on the movie and they gave her one. 

"That's great oh and sorry about taking your job." Tiana sincerely apologizes.

"I would say it's okay but that would be a lie." Nicole say honestly. Tiana took a role she really wanted and she is still salty about it. 

"Yeah I can't blame you I know I would be pissed if my job was given away to someone else too." She says being empathetic.

"Yeah but at least I still get to be apart of the movie." Nicole is hopeful that even though she has a small role she will get recognized for her talent and get bigger roles. Being apart of a movie about the Lyon family and how they created Empire is definitely going to be big and she wants to be apart if that. 

"That's great who do you play?" Tiana curiously asks.

"I play Carol." Nicole says.

"Damn that's wrong they making you play the crackhead sister." Tiana says remembering Hakeem told her about Carol. 

"Yep at least its something." She has never played a crackhead before and she will never play a crackhead again but anything to be in the movie.

"I guess but no hard feelings right." T says not trying to be in drama.

"I mean you did steal my biggest role but what did I expect from the princess of Empire." Nicole says trying to be shady.

"Excuse me?" Tiana says confused by what she means when she says what she said. 

"Yeah you didn't have to even audition for the role it was just handed to you makes you wonder what else they just handed to you just because they consider you family." She continues to throw shade. 

"Umm no just because they gave me this role doesn't mean I haven't had to work for everything I've accomplished so dont get it twisted." Tiana says defending herself and checking Nicole.

"You can keep telling yourself that but Everyone and I know the truth but hey I know I would kill to have that kind of privilege. Anyways you and Hakeem don't have anything going on right?" Nicole says acting like she didn't just shade Tiana. 

"Um no I have a boyfriend." T says giving her a mean mug because of her first statement. 

"Oh good I saw paparazzi pictures of yall together without the kids this weekend so I thought but that's great he fine I'm definitely making my move when I see him got any tips." She says smiling. The pictures she saw of Hakeem and Tiana together was when they went to the Eastern state penitentiary with their friends Chicken, Marcel, Honor, and Kennedy. They came to visit that day together because they knew Keem and T weren't working. Tiana and Hakeem left the kids with their nanny and went with them. 

"Girl you just shaded me why would I give you advice on how to get with my ex are you dumb." Tiana says with an attitude and walks away. Tiana is irritated by her and her shady ass. She wants to stay out of drama but it just keeps following her wherever she goes. 

Tiana gets to her trailer and sits down to think about what Nicole said. This isn't the first time someone assumed something was handed to her because she's close to the Lyons. She knows this role was handed to her and that makes people suspicious but she doesn't want people to think that everything that she has is because of the Lyons. She want to be known for herself, her talents, and accomplishments. She knows Empire has been a great place to be at and loves working with the Lyons. She also owes a lot to Cookie for managing her and making her a priority like she does her kids but Tiana is in her feelings and makes a rash decision. 

"I think it's time for me to make a change in my career." She says out loud then grabs her phone from her jean pocket and calls up Becky. The phone starts to ring and after the second one she picks up.

Phone Convo 

Hey T

Hey is Giselle with you

Yeah we just finished a meeting

Can you put me on speaker so she can hear me too

Okay .....your on speaker now 

If I did decide to come to the company what could yall offer me

We can offer you total control of everything. Gisele says 

Empire already gives me total control over my music

The label is just starting out so we have a lot of work to do but when we do get everything up in running you will have a lot of freedom to do whatever you need to do and if you except we will give you a run down when you sign the contract. Becky says 

In the past couple of weeks I've thought about yalls offer and today I've chosen to accept it 

Oh My God yes we would love to have you come with us. Gisele says 

Well I guess I'm officially a Bossy lady 

Welcome to the company cant wait to announce it. Gisele says

Wait can I tell the Lyons first and then we can officially announce it on social media cause I owe them that much

Of course. Gisele says 

Thank you I have to go but I'll call yall so we can talk about next steps okay.

Bye. they both say

'I hope this was a good choice and I don't regret it. This was a necessary step I have to take in my career in order to get out of the Lyons shadow and come into my own. I already have the title of Empires biggest female artist under my belt and if I help build up Bossy that will definitely propel my career to bigger heights' Tiana thinks. 


I AM SSSSSOOOOOO SSSSOOORRRRRYYYY for how long it took me to finally make this chapter.

I have been stuck on this chapter for a whole month just because I couldn't decide whether I should write what they did during their break or not. Sorry I over think everything. I also changed the story to third person cause it's way easier this way yall probably don't care but I'm sayin just incase yall see the difference. 

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