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I have been in the studio all day working on a couple of songs since its been a while since I put anything out. I look up the time to see how long its been and it is seven fifteen and I came here around twelve. I decide to wrap it up and go home but before I go I walk over to the little daycare to see if the kids are still here with Hakeem. I walk into the room and I see Prince is asleep and Bella is playing doll house with the nanny. I go over to prince and give him a kiss on the forehead and go over to Bella to play with her.

"Hey do you know what time Hakeem is coming to get them I say to the nanny as I seat down next to Bella. 

"Oh hey uh he said he is coming to get them around eight," She says as she continues to play with Bella.

"Oh ok but you can go I'll take it from here," I say while grabbing a doll to play with.

"Oh no it's fine I can wait for Hakeem," She says not sure whether to take the offer or not

"No really you can go," I say happily because I want to spend a little time with Bella.

"Ok thank you," She says as she gets up and grab her things to go.

"What are we going to play," I say turning to Bella.

"Knight Princess," She says while focused on the doll.

"What does Knight Princess do?" I ask intrigued by the new game.

"She is going to save the Prince so they can live together forever," She says smiling.

She starts to tell me what to do and how to play. About half an hour later Hakeem walks into the room to get the kids and go home.

"Hey I didn't know you where here," He says as he starts to pack the kids things. 

"Yeah I decided to stop by." I say getting up from the floor to help him. After packing up he grabs the things and Bella's hand while I carry Prince who was still sleeping. Our cars were waiting for us so after he and I buckle the kids up we say bye and I get into my car and the driver drives me home.

I arrive home and it is around nine o'clock. I want to talk to Devon about what I talked to Hakeem about and I want to tell him about the role that I just got. I call Devon and I ask him to come over and he says he's coming. While I wait for him I scroll through insta and play some games and then I hear the doorbell ring. I walk over to the door and let him in and as he is walking in he leans down and gives me a kiss. I close the door and walk over to him and then we sit on the couch.

"Okay so I called you here because I have something important to tell you," I say in a serious tone.

"Ok go ahead," he says smiling not taking me seriously. 

"The whole Prince crying situation forced me and Hakeem to have a serious talk about the boundaries between you and the kids," I say thinking back to the conversation I had with Hakeem earlier.

"Boundaries... what boundaries?" He questioning me a little confused.

"Exactly... there are none and that's what the problem is," I say realizing that this is kind of my fault for not setting these lines between Devon and the kids a long time ago. " Since we started dating I've been bringing you around the kids whenever I want and that is not okay," I say trying to get my point across.

"Wait I'm confused did I do something wrong," Devon says not wanting to cause any problems.

"No, of course not it's just that Hakeem and I feel like we should lessen your interactions with the kids because if I had set boundaries at the beginning of our relationship that whole situation would not have happened," I say trying to explain myself.

"Ok then what are these boundaries," He says with an opened mind.

"Well for starters I can't let you spend the night when the kids are with me and you can't spend too much time here while the kids are here," I say because those seem like really simple and understandable rules to have when your in a situation like this.

"Ok so did you come up with these rules or did Hakeem?" He says a little bit pissed.

"What?" I say shocked and genuinely confused.

"Yeah cause you said You and Hakeem feel like my time around your kids should be lessened so was that your decision or Hakeem's cause it sounds like Hakeem's to me," He says as he raise his voice at me.

"First of all fix your tone and this was my idea Hakeem has nothing to do with this he just wants there to be clear line that cannot be crossed and I agree with him and these rules seem like the best way to go," I say justifying my decision even though I shouldn't have to.

"See that's the thing this new need for boundaries seems like Hakeem is making it seem like it's my fault that he abandoned his kids to play movie star and when he comes back they don't want to be around him," He says with an attitude that I am not okay with.

"Excuse me what ?!" I say getting offended for what he said about Hakeem.

"Yeah and it seems kind of convenient for him that the less time I spend around your kids is less time I spend with you," He says making it seem like Hakeem is hatching this devious plan to get back with Tiana

"Why exactly are you so pressed about this and why are you making it about something it's not even about?" I question him.

"I'm not pressed about you wanting to put space between me and the kids I'm bothered by the fact that you can't see that he is trying to put space between us," He says obviously paranoid about Hakeem's true intentions even though there is nothing worry about.

"Ok Devon at this point you're being ridiculous I don't know what's wrong with you but I'm not doing this with you tonight so you need to go," I say with a stern voice.

"Tiana really?" He says getting mad.

"Yes.. really please go we'll talk when you come to your senses," I say with major attitude so he knows I'm not feeling the vibe he's putting out.

"Fine," He says as he walks to the door and gets out. I walk to the door and I lock it.

"Well that didn't go as planed," I say to myself as I walk back to the couch and watch tv.


3 out of 5


Well looks like trouble in paradise but for how long?👀👀

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