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After we finish talking I remember how stressed his parents looked when I came over here so I decide to ask him what is going on between them.

"What's wrong with your parents by the way they looked hella stressed when I was coming over to talk to you," I say when I remembered they were arguing about something.

"They're stressed because they aren't getting along right now but they have to work together to write the scripts so there's some tension between them and they're still trying to find someone to play young Cookie," He says annoyed at how much his parents fight.

"What happened to the last one," I say since I saw that she was casted on a magazine about the movie.

"Cookie said she wasn't good enough and that she lacked the attitude," He says grinning and I shake my head knowing that that is something cookie would say.

"Yep that sounds like Cookie but yall already shot some of the scenes what are yall gonna do now," I say since I know if they get a new cookie they are going to have to restart shooting again which would mean Hakeem would have to go back to Philly.

"When they find the perfect Cookie were gonna have to reshoot everything," He says a little bothered by that. 

"So you're going to leave again," I say a little annoyed since we went through this whole situation just for it to happen again. "Well I guess this time it will be different because I'm going to try harder to fly out and let the kids visit you," I say smiling because I decide I'm going to have a positive attitude about this.

"I have to practice my lines but I don't have a Cookie to practice with," He says a little bit annoyed at his mother for firing the last Cookie.

"I can read Cookie's lines for you if you want," I say a little excited. 

"If you're not busy sure," He says with appreciation.

"Ok where's the script," I say ready to practice.

"Cookie has them imma go get them," he says as he gets up from his seat. 

"I'll come with," I say getting up from the couch.

"Ma I need the script," Hakeem says as we walk over to his parents.

"It's on the table over there but we still don't have a young Cookie so who are you gonna practice with," She says looking at her son go and grab the script.

"Tiana," He says while pointing at me

"You can act," Lucious asks me curiously.

"I don't know I've never done it before," I say as I walk away to practice with Hakeem. 


While we are running through the lines Cookie walks in and starts to smirk at me. 

"What?" I say to her confused.

"I just found my young Cookie," She says relieved since she didn't have to hold any more auditions.

"Oh that's good where she at," I ask interested on knowing who Cookie finally settled on.

"She's right here," she says smilling even wider.

"Me?" I ask surprised.

"Yes, I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier you're perfect for the role I was listening in and you've got it down plus you've known me for years so you know how I would act so the role is yours if you want it," Cookie says a little bit excited. 

"I don't know If I would have time," I say because I don't want anything to mess with my music.

"Tiana we can clear your schedule plus it's only 2 months of filming in Philly and then we will be in New York for the rest so it will not interfere with you career," She says knowing that's what I'm concerned about. 

"Can I think about it," I say not wanting to make a rash decision and then regret it.

"Sure," She says with a smile. 

"Ok thanks," I say since I am so relieved I don't have to make a decision yet.

"No problem," she says as she walks away.

"Well what do you think," I say wanting his opinion on this. 

"I think you should do it I mean it would mean we wouldn't have to worry about the visiting think we can just take the kids with us," He says hopping I says yes.

"Yeah you right that would make it easier plus I've always wanted to be in a movie so I guess it would be a win win situation," I says making my decision.

"So does that mean you're taking it," He says getting a little bit excited.

"Yeah I'm going to go find Cookie so that I can tell her,"

Hakeem says ok and continues to practice his lines.

I walk out of the room looking around for Cookie. I find her talking to Lucious about how the script should be written. I walk over to them so that I can tell them the news. I say hello to them so they could be aware of me because they were really focused on the writing.

"Oh hay did you make a decision that quick," Cookie asks me.

"Decision about what," Lucious asks feeling out of the loop on things.

"I asked Tiana to play young me earlier," She says to Lucious.

"She said she's never acted before," He says not really sure if cookie made the right decision to ask Tiana.

"I know I heard her, so have you made the decision," She asks curiously.

"Yes actually and my answer is yes I would love to do it," I say happily,

"Great now that we have young me everything is coming together I cant wait to start shooting," Cookie says looking excited.

"Wait I thought you were just going to help me with the scrip and that's it," He says

"Well I've changed my mind I want to be apart of the movie now especially since the way you remember things and how I remember them aren't adding up," she says giving Lucious an annoyed look and he says ok so she continues "Then let's get back to wok on those scripts bye Tiana," Cookie says as she walks over to the table to start writing and Lucious follows her.

"Bye yall," I say as I walk away. I decide to go in the studio and work on some songs.


Okay 2 out of 5 complete just three more 

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