Chapter 23- First Break Up's Always The Hardest

Start from the beginning

"You may be angry at her but she was your friend. Don't forget that," Scott tells me and I glare.

"Oh, I haven't. I also haven't forgotten that she helped her grandfather kidnap and torture me before trying to kill Isaac all because her mom died after trying to kill you. Although, if I look back on it, that might be on you for not telling her why her mom really died," I retort pointedly and he gives me an apologetic look before the tattoo artist begins and not soon after, Stiles passes out, making me giggle.

After Scott was done, we made it to the car before it healed, much to his dismay, and Stiles began driving us home. They were in the front talking about Allison while I snapchatted with Caroline and Rebekah when I hear Stiles say, "So how do you know she won't be back at school?" I look up but since I'm facing the window, I notice Lydia's car next to us with Allison in the passenger seat.

"Oh, I think it's pretty definite," I inform them and they both look at me, making me giggle and point. They follow my finger and Scott blanches as Allison looks over at that same moment. He tries to slump down and tells Stiles to go but since we are at a red light, Stiles refuses.

"I think we should say something," Stiles suggests and I giggle.

"No, no Stiles," Scott attempt as I nod.

"I think you're right, Stiles. You should try and talk to them," I tease but he nods, thinking I'm serious, and rolls the window down before yelling out it, making Lydia drive through the red light to get away. I burst out laughing as Stiles says that they must not have heard us.

The light turns green and Scott starts freaking out that they'll think we're following them. I roll my eyes as Stiles slams on the break. Before we know it, Allison and Lydia are stopped and a deer had run into their windshield. We rush out to check on them and neither are injured. Scott goes over to the deer and says something that I can tell from where I am, that the deer was completely terrified.


The next day, I stand in front of my mirror in my short dress and high heels that I know will catch people's attention as I try and convince myself that I can go to school and sit through math without thinking about things like how good Klaus is with his hands or how good his mouth feels on my body. I sigh, realizing that I desperately need to get laid as I turn away and leave. I drive to school and meet Scott and Stiles at the door. They both link their arms with me, making me giggle as we walk in. We make it to the principal's office where the old principal is ordering people to handle the things that Gerard messed up. I watch him pull out a sword before excusing myself from the boys.

"What, where are you going?" Stiles pouts and I laugh while rolling my eyes.

"I have other friends, Stiles," I point out, making him sigh as I turn on my heels to find Lydia. I find her at Allison's locker and I greet her while pointedly ignoring the brunette, who sighs and looks at me guiltily before Lydia catches her attention.

"Freshmen. Tons and tons of freshmen," she sighs and I laugh at her while Allison taunts her, saying that they are boys, not men, before I catch sight of Bekah at my locker so I excuse myself to talk to her instead, not wanting to tolerate Allison.

"Hey, I just wanted to check that you were okay coming back here since Nik didn't quit like I thought he would," she frowns sympathetically and I grin.

"I'm fine, Beks. I won't let him or Damon get to me, I'm far too stubborn." She studies me before nodding with a laugh. She walks away, probably to go to her locker, as I open mine to take some of the stuff I probably won't need from my bag.

I must've accidentally focused my hearing because I hear Lydia say, "Twins," excitedly before taking a brief pause. "Twins that are walking over to Jessica. Why are they already walking over to her?"

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