Chapter 10- The Alpha

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Jessica's P.O.V.

The next day, Lydia wakes me up to tell me that she needs to get home because she forgot to tell her mom that she was staying over. I offer to drive her and she accepts. After dropping her off, I start back home in the hopes of going back to sleep but when I see Stiles' baby blue jeep in front of the house waiting for me, I know my hopes are crushed. I get out of my Ferarri and lean against it as Stiles rolls his window down. "We need to talk."

"No, I need to sleep. I spent all night watching movies with Lydia because Jackass broke up with her."

"He did?" Stiles asks and Meredith hits him. "Right, well we have bigger problems."

"When don't we?"

"We know who the alpha is," Scott speaks up and I look at him confused.

"Peter. I thought we already established that yesterday. He's the only one with motive to go after people involved in the Hale fire so he's just playing catatonic," I say as though it's obvious.

"No! We didn't establish that. It would've been very nice if you had shared that with the rest of us since he almost killed me last night and now he's got Derek working with him."

"And the Argents think Jackson is the other beta," Scott reveals and I shrug.

"So? They won't hurt him until he hurts someone else. They have a code and as long as Kate is around Chris, he'll make sure she follows it. As for Derek, why would he willingly work with someone that killed his sister?"

"Peter said it was an accident at the hospital," Stiles answers and I shake my head.

"It wasn't an accident." I hold up a finger and run into the house and grab the file I stole from the police station and run back to the jeep. "Look at this." I hand it to Stiles when Scott says that he can hear Jackson's heartbeat. "You guys go. I'll follow." Stiles nods and I head back to my Ferarri.

I follow the Jeep to what seems to be the back of some abandoned warehouses where Chris has cornered Jackson. Stiles pulls up next to him and I stop behind the jeep and get out. They offer to give him a ride to an auto shop and I scrutinize Chris. "Come on, Jackson. You're way too pretty to stand out here alone," Stiles says and I shake my head.

"No need guys. I think Mr. Argent knows what's wrong." Chris whips his head to me and I walk closer. "In fact, I bet I could help." I walk over and grab the device he had placed on the engine and passed it to Chris discreetly. "Try it now, Jackass." Jackson looks at me with fear but obeys and the Porche starts.

"See, told you it was probably an easy fix," Chris laughs before giving me a nod and getting into his car. Once it's gone, Scott starts berating Jackson for being an idiot and Jackson starts saying that he needs the bite.

"You obviously got it for Stiles' little girlfriend." He motions to me and I roll my eyes.

"A) Meredith is Stiles' girlfriend, not me, so get it straight, dumbass. B) I got bit that night at the school but it didn't take. And C) I'm not a werewolf, Jackass, I'm just a hell of a lot stronger than you are." To emphasize my point, I slam him down on the hood of his car and hold him by his throat. "Listen up you pea-size brained imbecile because I loathe repeating myself. You think that getting the bite will solve your problem, but it won't. It might not take and unlike me, if you get bit and Nature decides that you aren't worthy, you'll die." I feel the wind pick up and I shiver.

"Jess," Meredith tries but I shake my head at her and turn back to Jackson.

"Doing this won't make things better, Jackson. It'll make everything worse. You already have a horrible time controlling your anger, just like me. Imagine that magnified. You will hurt someone and then they will kill you. Right now, no matter how much they might think you're the beta, they won't hurt you without proof that you deserve it, but mark my words. If you get that bite and they don't kill you, I'll make sure you die simply for ignoring my warning." I let go of him and see the lights flicker slightly before my anger calms down.

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