Part 11

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A/N- Okay I know, I know only two parts ago I was doing a holiday one-shot and that's because I'm a lazy vlacas but due to the holiday season I'm doing a Christmas one-shot. I'm really sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas but you still may like this, so with out further adae...


"Leo NOT in front of the kids!" Calypso says annoyed.

"Sorry it's just," Leo apologized as he glares out the cars front window as he taps his fingers on the dash board in anticipation, "Okay that's it," He rolls down the window and sticks his head out the window, "GET THE HADES OUT OF THE ROAD BEFORE I RUN OVER YOUR STUPID LITTLE CAR, I'M GLING TO BE LATE FOR A CHRISTMAS PARTY!" He finally shouts and soon the red mini van in front of them shot forward. "Finally someone respects the fact that I have somewhere to be!" Leo mutters.

"Um based on that hand gesture I'm pretty sure that the other people don't respect you daddy," The 5 year old boy in the back of the car puts in, "what does this mean anyways?" He asks his mom as he puts up his middle finger. His mother quickly covers his hand and replies hastily has she looks into her son'schocolate brown eyes,

"Very bad things, never make that hand gesture again."

"Okay," the child says.

"Oh my gods honey look... what are the odds!" Leo exclaimed as he looked out of his window and into the window of a white Prius where a blonde woman in the front was scolding the man sitting next to her who had Raven black hair.

"I wonder what Percy did now." Calypso said silently laughing at all the possibility's.

~ flash back ~

"Oh no Annabeth!" Percy asked in such a fake exasperated voice that one had to wonder if he was purposely trying to be a bad actor.

"What?" Annabeth asked while still keeping her eyes one the road.

"I'm afraid I've lost my wallet!" He explained again in the same fake voice. Annabeth sighed and while she was distracted with Percy asking her these questions and driving a small hand creeped up from behind and crawled onto the front console and had barely tugged on the plastic covering over a plate of Christmas cookies when Annabeth sternly said without ever looking away from the road,

"Zoe those are for Christmas dinner, be patient."

"Aww, and we were soo close this time. I blame it on Daddy."

"Percy! You were going to help the kids steal cookies, really!"

"Hey, I was hungry," Percy replied as he put his hands up in surrender.

"You mean you asked Zoe to do this!"

"Well ya but all they had to do was grab a plate of cookies, and I was going to give her one!"

"Let me get a few things straight, your hungry so you decide to bribe one of our kids to be part of some plan-"

"I prefer strategy," Percy cuts in.

"Fine some, strategy that you came up with to steal a plate of COOKIES!"

"Yes mam," he says nodding his head.

"Gods Percy if I wasn't driving this car right now-"

"You'd kiss me?" Percy puts in hopefully.

"I swear some times your more immature than the kids!"

"And yet you still love me," he confirms.

"Yes I do still love you," Annabeth replied smiling as she stopped at a red stop light.

"Love you too," Percy said as he blew Annabeth a kiss.

"Ewww, oh look it's Uncle Leo!" Zoe exclaimed as she pointed to a familiar red car.

"Hey!" Percy greeted, waving out the car window but Leo didn't hear. For that moment Annabeth was distracted and looking at Leo in the car and that's when Percy whisper/shouted,

"Zoe now!" and Zoe grabbed the plate of Christmas cookies.

"Perseus Jackson!" Annabeth yelled, and that's when Leo finally looked over.


Hey long time no read! 😥 I am really sorry for the lack of updates. Okay PLEAS READ THIS it's pretty important,
1- I may be changing the title of this story due to the fact that it's become less of a BOO epilogue and more of one of those like happily ever after books so COMMENT if you have a good new title
2- Please, please, please COMMENT IF YOU WANT ME TO FO ANOTHER PART WITH THIS CHRISTMAS THEME. If enough people comment in time I'll probably have enough time to write another ch. before Christmas is over!

If you liked please...



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