Part 3

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- Unkown Person's POV-

Every night at dinner Percy and Annabeth would get there food, make a sacrifice, chat with there friends for a few minutes and then take there food and walk away together. Now if one were to follow them... which I definitely didn't do, you would find them sitting and holding hands as they ate and watched the stars. If you were to ask them why they did this they would give you one answer. 'Being in Tartaruse for that long makes you appreciate some things a lot more. Like the fact that the only scenery is acid clouds, bone ribs sticking out of the ground, the ever luscious fields of punishment, and of course the Plegathon. Also we had a friend that never got to enjoy the stars so we're enjoying them for him' and that was enough of an explanation for anybody.

-Percy's POV-

I was alone with Annabeth in her cabin while she worked on sketching a blue print. I was playing with her hair but she slapped my hand away and said it 'distracted' her. Ughh. I was now pacing around the cabin. This place was boring. Now your probably thinking, why don't you just leave and go swim or something? But I wanted to swim with Annabeth and I would rather be bored and be with her, than have fun without her. I walked over to Annabeth's bunk.All of the Athena kids had white sheets speckled in gray, and big poofy gray comforters. On the side of the bed that was touching the wall there were three carved out shelves that all the Athena kids put their favorite books in. But what was really touching is that Annabeth had replaced a whole shelf of her precious architecture books with framed pictures of me and Annabeth throughout the years. I sighed and breathed in her vanilla perfume that still lingered in her bunk. I was suddenly tired and I Kaye's down and went to sleep.

-time lapse (a few hours later)-

I woke up as someone gently kissed me. Annabeth. My eyes fluttered open and her hair tickled my face as she leaned over me.

"Hey seaweed brain. We missed super, but I got all of my work done for the Demeter temple on mount olympus!"

"That's great! I have some junk food in my cabin we could eat." I said groggily as she nodded her head in agreement. I watched curiously as she grabbed something from under her bunk.

"Every child of Athena's favorite board game." she exclaimed as she proudly presented the game clue.

"We're going to play clue with only two people?" I asked as she grabbed a sweater and started to leave the cabin.

"Well really it'll only be one person, since you really won't even be a contender." she said in mock sassy ness. With that she strutted out the door as she flipped her hair.

"Excuse me," I said equal sassy ness as I marched out after her. 3 hours later we were eating blue candy as Annabeth beat for the 32 consecutive time. And the only reason I kept playing was because Annabeth said every time I played another game she would kiss me. And how was I supposed to argue with that?


Thanks for reading! please







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