Part 6

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Okay people, I know from the description you probably think I hated BoO. And it is true I didn't like it, but I looved the Caleo parts that was my favorite part int the book I just wish he had continued on... so that being the point of the book (to write what I wish he had,) I have decided that we'll be traveling back to when Leo and Calypso first arrive at CHB. so with out further a due ...

-Leo's POV-

"Whirrrr! Clack! Clack! "

" Mt. St. Helens! Calypso I don't think Festus can make it much longer, prepare to CRASH!"

"WHAT! Leo I DID not lose my immortality to die 3 days later!" Calypso screeched as she hung on tight to him. He looked to the distance and the lasting embers. Then he saw small figures on the beach. His heart lept in his throat, his friends? Come on Festus! he pleaded. Festus had made it all the way from Ogi Gi Wa with only short pit stops, and now they were so close, they had to make it. He flipped open Festus's control panel and jammed out his chip, he grabbed a zip lock bag from his tool belt and slipped the chip in there. He whispered his plan to Calypso and wrapped there arms around each other, and jumped...

-Annabeth's POV-

"What, Leo I did not lose my immortality to die 3 days later!" Grrr why was someone up this late at night, and screaming to be exact, wait did the say Leo?... HOLY! I jumped up grabbed a light blue bathrobe, slipped on some gray slippers and rushed over to Percy's cabin, apparently he had they same idea because he was also coming towards me. With out a word our hands enter twinned and we ran towards the beach where I had heard the yelling. What. The. Hades. Hurling over the lake, right to us was a huge mass of bronze. Piper and Jason quickly ran up panting and looking bewildered. We all stood there in aw until I snapped out of it.

"OKAY we need to move, like NOW!" And I ushered Percy far to the side leaving a wide path for that mass of bronze. As it neared I actually started to recognize the mess. It was Festus!

"Holy Hades! That's Leo! That's Leo!" I screamed, I heard a half sob escape from Pipers mouth but I knew it was from happiness. A smile broke open on my face and my heart just kept beating faster and faster as I rushed towards the shore with the rest of them. I stopped and gasped as I saw two people intertwined as they fell together towards the lake. SPLASH!
A few seconds later two heads broke the surface. I heard a girl voice screech,

"Leo, help me!" as she sputtered and flailed around.

" I can barely stay up myself, I'm like a baby elephant that can't swim, well more like a really mocho dragon... but still, I CAN'T SWIM!" yep that was definitely Leo, and he needed our help,

"Percy help them!" and soon they were riding into shore on a mild wave. They we're both crouched and panting on the beach.

"Hey, a thanks for the help." Leo said grinning and Piper couldn't help it any more and she rushed up and threw her arms around Leo sobbing, I myself had tears in my eyes and rushed to hug him. Leo stood up and gave 'man hugs' to the guys I walked back to Percy and wrapped my arms around him waist and kissed him softly on the lips. Now nothing could get better. Percy took his head out of the crook of my neck and I felt him tense. I slowly turned around wondering what had caused this reaction. I saw that the girl Leo had been with had gotten up and I knew exactly who it was. Calypso.

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